Save Western Civilization > Save America
Abolish the IRS...
serbian army:
--- Quote from: LKZ on August 24, 2012, 02:13:03 PM ---The real thieves are stealing through social programs (and taking care of vets is not socialist, this is the one "handout" the left opposes). Grece went bankrupt because they were a welfare state. The more people on welfare, the more new people go on welfare. If you honestly believe that governmets taking money will make people better off, you're deluded. Handouts always go back to the ultra-elite gangsters, because the poor usually spend their money frivolously at big corporations. Taxing the income to the hilt of doctors, lawyers and small businessmen that will be far more likely to invest and improve the country does not help the poor, it destroys the jobs these people could have provided. Unions are usually gangster organizations, many times literally affiliated with mafias, who do everything they can to keep their members in so they can profit off their labor. Before unions, and the great depression, minimum wage meant nothing, since generally a day's work more than provided for your needs. Today, the government protects the poor people with regulations and handouts, and people are poorer than ever.
Also, disabled people such as non-violent schizophrenics should be given assistance for the purpose of studying and such, as they can easily go on to be very talented. If they are aggressive, they should be placed in institutions, which of course the government would pay for, but that ties into punishing the wicked. I do pray everyday, though, especially when it comes to Taiquaisas and Shashikas that check kids' lunch boxes and molest nuns and protect the turban clad in the airport, that we will see millions of government workers without their jobs, and even more that they get real ones.
Anarchy is bad. That isn't right wing politics. Do you consider Jefferson anarchist?
The real thieves had laughable plans. They won because people do nothing while looking for other thieves.
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I do not think you understand real situation. THERE ARE NO JOBS. Lets start from that. You think people want to go on welfare and live from max 1200 dollar assistance? Do you even know at what poverty level you need to be to get all those wonderful benefits?
People can not find new jobs and TENS OF MILLIONS Americans are starving.
Cut government spending and you will have this: no teachers, no police officers, no courts, no roads, no health care for millions, no army, no many churches that get assistance, no rule of law, millions protesting and killing each other for food.
I understand you statement, but books and articles you read also call killing American jobs free trade, unions communist invention, even thought without them we would probably be better off living like slaves in Pakistan. For 25 years jobs have been shipped overseas. Finance is my field and trust me when I tell you ENEMIES OF AMERICA-anarchist and their sponsors are feeding you the wrong information for their own benefits. You and me are just one level up from millions of starving people in this country.
Israel Chai:
Well get me a couple million, and I'll bring manufacturing back tomorrow. Cut government spending on teachers, roads, schools, police and healthcare again? I'd prefer if it were just on the useless gv't programs. That's what they usually do, threaten to cut all those lovely things unless they get more money, then spend it on more useless programs.
I'm more right wing, so I'm not really into these phoney international UN controlled free trade bullshlacha agreements, I favor protectionism. Last time I checked, though, unions suck.
serbian army:
--- Quote from: LKZ on August 24, 2012, 09:42:28 PM ---Well get me a couple million, and I'll bring manufacturing back tomorrow.
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Yes, now interest rates are close to zero which is perfect condition for expansion(capital project, equipment purchases). Instead we have private sector hoarding cash, shipping jobs overseas, avoiding paying taxes, keeping money in foreign banks, giving millions of dollars in bonuses to selected few, cutting wages, cutting benefits, and other terrible decisions. I do not know what Fed needs to do anymore?
In Germany they have a law which states that company needs to have at least 50% of workforce in Germany. Oh, sure "capitalists" would not like that here in America. That is why they play ordinary citizens to blame government for everything, blame one another (blacks vs whites, right wing vs left wing) so we should keep them out of loop and so much needed REGULATIONS.
I am protectionist as well. Do I like paying high taxes? Hell no. Do I like government to be so big to employ majority of work force. No I don't. But we can't let children starve to death in this, in my opinion, economic collapse. We can't have old people that worked all their lives without medical assistance. We can't have people without legs and arms begging in the streets.
Yes, I am healthy and I will pay my share of taxes. Sooner they become lower the better. But we can't have anarchy and chaos. Every country needs stable government and social programs.
Israel Chai:
--- Quote from: serbian army on August 24, 2012, 11:12:05 PM ---Yes, now interest rates are close to zero which is perfect condition for expansion(capital project, equipment purchases). Instead we have private sector hoarding cash, shipping jobs overseas, avoiding paying taxes, keeping money in foreign banks, giving millions of dollars in bonuses to selected few, cutting wages, cutting benefits, and other terrible decisions. I do not know what Fed needs to do anymore?
In Germany they have a law which states that company needs to have at least 50% of workforce in Germany. Oh, sure "capitalists" would not like that here in America. That is why they play ordinary citizens to blame government for everything, blame one another (blacks vs whites, right wing vs left wing) so we should keep them out of loop and so much needed REGULATIONS.
I am protectionist as well. Do I like paying high taxes? Hell no. Do I like government to be so big to employ majority of work force. No I don't. But we can't let children starve to death in this, in my opinion, economic collapse. We can't have old people that worked all their lives without medical assistance. We can't have people without legs and arms begging in the streets.
Yes, I am healthy and I will pay my share of taxes. Sooner they become lower the better. But we can't have anarchy and chaos. Every country needs stable government and social programs.
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Phasing out handouts by forcing able people to get a job or give up their free checks will not cause chaos. Millions of welfare cases smoking crack, robbing and being violent does. Trust me, even if it goes sour, law enforcement have had plenty of practice with the occupy commies and welfare cases. Children don't starve, just spiritually in foster homes, which I still agree with. Are you saying ending income taxes will make children stave? Don't make me point out the obvious here, I can be a bit feisty.
serbian army:
--- Quote from: LKZ on August 24, 2012, 11:30:41 PM ---Phasing out handouts by forcing able people to get a job or give up their free checks will not cause chaos. Millions of welfare cases smoking crack, robbing and being violent does. Trust me, even if it goes sour, law enforcement have had plenty of practice with the occupy commies and welfare cases. Children don't starve, just spiritually in foster homes, which I still agree with. Are you saying ending income taxes will make children stave? Don't make me point out the obvious here, I can be a bit feisty.
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I just explained to you condition in private sector. Not sure what else I must write. Forcing people get jobs!! Now explain where? Maybe move to China together with factories where they had been working?
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