I just took a look at this one guy in Idaho he's as far left as they come look at his house of ill repute
Our Mission:
Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel is a progressive synagogue dedicated to Torah (lifelong learning), Avodah (spiritual growth), G'milut Chasadim(acts of lovingkindness) and Kehilah (community-building).
An introduction to Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel
An interview with our Rabbi, Rabbi Daniel Fink
Our Rabbi - Rabbi Daniel B. Fink
Rabbi Daniel B. Fink is Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel's full-time spiritual leader.
The rabbi has addressed many Boise public and private school classes, portions of the medical community, several religious groups and has participated on panels discussing a wide range of issues.
An ardent environmentalist, he is the author of two books and numerous articles on Judaism and ecology. He is active with many community organizations, including Voices of Faith for Human Rights, the Food Bank and the Idaho Conservation League. He presently sits on the board of Planned Parenthood of Idaho. In keeping with his environmental interests, the rabbi enjoys camping, canoeing and biking. He dabbles in poetry and can also be found strumming a banjo on occasion.
Rabbi Fink comes to Boise after serving the congregations in the Shenandoah Valley and Omaha, Nebraska.
Listen to his podcast with the link above really funny Our Board
Sherrill Livingston President
Lorraine Gross President-elect
Dennis Lopez Secretary
Andy Byron Treasurer
Louise Birnbaum Membership/Social
Abby McLean Communications
Dan Stern Ritual
Jack Bonawitz Growth And Development
Jodi Peterson Social Action what the heck is this social action

Julie Barnathan School
Jeremy Feldman
Youth Member
Leigh Evans Adult Learning
Shmuel Kahlke Member-At-Large