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This is if you live in California

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Confederate Kahanist:
Action Alert: The Assembly has passed a final version of AB 1081 by a 48-26 vote. The TRUST Act, by Assembly Member Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), is designed to gut the DHS’s Secure Communities program by barring police from detaining illegal aliens for ICE unless they have previous “serious or violent felony” convictions. AB 1081 is a violation of Federal law! The California assembly is representing illegal aliens NOT the Taxpayers of this state. VETO AB 1081 Now!!!! call the Gov. office now 916-445-2841

Khan Krum:
I blame that despicable whining ADL and Ape Foxman. They are typical leftist Jews, traitors, whine and sue people for being antisemitic (but right-wing Jews like the ones here would smack an antisemite across the face). These traitors are leftists on everything but Israel, and then when "Israeli Apartheid Week" begins, they wonder who do their fellow leftists go against them on Israel.

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: Khan Krum on August 28, 2012, 07:20:52 PM ---They are typical leftist Jews, traitors, whine and sue people for being antisemitic

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They might as well sue themselves since they are antisemitic. 

Khan Krum:

--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on August 28, 2012, 10:20:21 PM ---They might as well sue themselves since they are antisemitic.

--- End quote ---
They are because they promote negative stereotypes of Jews like "all Jews do is whine about anti-Semitism". Ape Foxman is a really sick leftist.

serbian army:
Once you become majority than it is your rules. Albanians became majority in Kosovo and look what had happened?


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