gentilerighteous, the KKK is not a good organization.
And JTF is not a racist organization. Please tone it down... it's obvious your upset about everything going on and that is understandable.
I'm only saying this because I feel like I know you a little.
We are all upset... but don't just asume the color of a person determines their soul - only G-d does. It's not color... it's what a person does or doesn't do. When we say "blacks", we mean the majority of blacks who have a crriminal worshipping culture of filth, lawlessness, greed, laziness, victim mentality, blame, and materialism.
If there are only 10 good people in a race, G-d will not destroy them. This applies to Arabs as well and is a Biblical perspective. Yes, MOST of the arabs are idiot muslims... yes, MOST of the blacks are involved in a common culture of human exciment... but realize that only one good person could make a change with his people. We forget to look at the optimistic angle because we get very frustrated with the evil dictators who rule the world and mass groups of insane people. But never forget to look at the potential for good at the same time... one foot on the ground and one foot in heaven. KKK is not going to include this Biblical attitude and they are not a good group of people. JTF rejects the KKK with good reason.