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MSNBC Kicks Black Conservative Blogger Out from Stage!!

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Confederate Kahanist:
This is due to mSSnbc's agenda to make it look like the support for Romney Ryan is exclusively only for whites:

The Democrat party is as democrat as it gets in the "Democrat popular republic of Korea" and all the other past and present bolshevik dictatorships.

Above ALL else the democrat party has evolved to stand for radical liberalism. Reality, principle, logic, rule of law, morality, decency, responsibility, human rights, religious rights..... NOTHING is above the advancement and implementation of progressive - liberal ideology.

Opposing viewpoints are quickly dismissed as radical and / or ignorant or some under handed evil plot, thus dismissed as unworthy of debate. The motive and wisdom of the altruistic progressive is to be reverently respected and NEVER questioned. To do so would be utter blasphemy! To actually ask them to explain their position or debate their position would obviously mean you are some type of disrespectful moron or worse an unsavory character driven by greed and selfishness. That being said, you have lost all credibility.... at least that is what liberals think.

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: drlmg on September 09, 2012, 01:10:51 PM --- To do so would be utter blasphemy! To actually ask them to explain their position or debate their position would obviously mean you are some type of disrespectful moron or worse an unsavory character driven by greed and selfishness. That being said, you have lost all credibility.... at least that is what liberals think.

--- End quote ---

Also racist as well.


--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on September 09, 2012, 01:50:11 PM ---Also racist as well.

--- End quote ---

Ahh!!..... how could I forget that? Race is one of the most important tools in the liberal arsenal. I say arsenal because they could care less about race as it applies to legitimate grievances, only as it can be used to divide the populace.


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