Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Ljubodrag Simonović: Capitalism is ecocidal and genocidal totalitarian order

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--- Quote from: Slobodan on September 15, 2012, 07:13:05 AM ---He is not a communist. He is nationalist and anti-globalist.

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Sounds like an old has been communist moaning over better days gone by to me.


--- Quote from: cjd on September 16, 2012, 08:47:45 AM ---Sounds like an old has been communist moaning over better days gone by to me.

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He is. Unfortunately, a lot of poorly informed people agree with such views because "old days" were in fact better financially. They don't understand that socialism in the end always destroys the society. On the other hand, they see America as "evil capitalist empire that exploits the entire world". They don't realize that present day USA is more like the USSR. Real capitalism, which is the best and only possible system, is long gone.

serbian army:
Serbs and other Southern Europeans are lazy and always have been compared to the Western Europeans. This is the fact. Until Serbs realize they need to work hard to prosper all they can do is shift blame to "soulless machines" in the West.


--- Quote from: serbian army on September 17, 2012, 06:41:32 PM ---Serbs and other Southern Europeans are lazy and always have been compared to the Western Europeans. This is the fact. Until Serbs realize they need to work hard to prosper all they can do is shift blame to "soulless machines" in the West.

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Nonsense, you call serbs lazy! Maybe your dad!

Compared to westerners, yes. They work all day like slaves and have no time for life. We like to spend more time living our lifes instead of spending time working.


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