Author Topic: Obama Appeals Court Ruling That Strikes Down Indefinite Detention of Ame  (Read 462 times)

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Obama Appeals Against Court Ruling That Strikes Down Indefinite Detention of American Citizens

Just like when the original provision was placed in the NDAA..... when it was snuck through on New Years Eve...... after 0bama insisted that it be placed in the NDAA..... I hear or see nothing in the American news media regarding this......HE insisted that it be there, even other democrats were shocked. Then after it was pointed out and a big deal made over it he came out and said something to the effect of "I didn't want that to be in there, but now that it's there, be assured that we would never detain.....". Well why insist that it be in the NDAA in the first place. Even the ACLU is appalled. Now I see that it has been overruled and again NO mention of it other than foreign news outlets and obscure web sites. When called out on it the first time 0bama claimed he didn't necessarily want that provision in there, until even democrats said "yes, you adamantly insisted on it and said you wouldn't accept it (NDAA) if it (provision) was not in there". So now that it has been struck down (on the grounds of violating 1st amendment), the provision that 0bama supposedly didn't want, he is appealing the ruling....

emphasizing once again how the White House — while claiming to be against the measure – has aggressively pushed for it at every turn

This man is very scary, we see over and over oppressive laws and dictates like this from 0bama and the willing democrats. Unfortunately the republicans seem to be somewhat indifferent, so in effect are passively supporting many of these oppressive freedom grabbing laws.

Very good article.....