The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Australian dhimmitude! !



If you click this link to read the article watch the videos enclosed to see what the Islamopigs got up to in Sydney on Saturday. It's truly disgusting to see how this 'once great' country has gone so far down the sewer.

As I say to many others this is going to be the norm in years to come.

Please shut close the flood gates before Australia becomes yet another emerging Islamic emirate.

Yes, Australia already has enough problems with Muslim immigration.

Unfortunately we have weak, almost Quisling like leadership in our country at the moment. Our G-d less Prime Minister fawns over Obama, communications Minister Conroy wants to enable blasphemy laws I kid you not and he's a devout christian too. The Islamic rot has firmly set in and unless dire action is taken very, very soon all will be lost.

White ants are eating away at the base quicker than I ever thought possible.


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