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Visit Detroit at your own risk, police union warns

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Confederate Kahanist:
I'm not visiting there.  Sounds like Baghdad to me:

Yes. Who would wanna go there? Detroit is a Third World hellhole.

serbian army:
I am very sorry for what has happened to Detroit. The city had a large well to do Serb community. We can also learn from current situation that a city must have different industries to rely on, not just one like auto industry. City officials must work hard to bring different businesses into the city.
Lets hope that Detroit will regain its former glory.

Confederate Kahanist:

--- Quote from: serbian army on October 13, 2012, 01:04:06 AM ---We can also learn from current situation that a city must have different industries to rely on, not just one like auto industry.

--- End quote ---

Actually Detroit's demise was due to having an overbearing welfare state that caused the city to raise taxes which in turn caused businesses and residents to flee.

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on October 13, 2012, 01:40:22 AM ---Actually Detroit's demise was due to having an overbearing welfare state that caused the city to raise taxes which in turn caused businesses and residents to flee.

--- End quote ---
This is what happens when only industry in city is falling apart too. What you described is happening to beautiful California right now!!


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