Save Western Civilization > Save America

Mitt Romney's $5 Trillion Dollar Tax Cut For All Americans~~~!

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--- Quote from: Slobodan on October 11, 2012, 12:50:17 PM ---Just ignore that show. Nobody is there to save you. If I were American, I would be very afraid after the December 21. 2012. when 99 year Federal reserve act expires, and after that, well...

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Well what?    Will we here in the U.S.A be in better or worse shape than the whole of Europe which only needs the slightest kick in the rump to turn it into a jumbled pile of crap...  Just what part of the federal reserve act is expiring? Inquiring minds want to know...

--- Quote from: Slobodan on October 13, 2012, 05:22:08 AM ---Be afraid, be very afraid. Inflation is coming.

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In your opinion inflation is coming only for the United States, right ? When people here stop buying all the garbage the rest of the world produces we will all then see what is coming for who :P


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