Author Topic: Largest Gallup Poll of Homosexuality ever: 3.4% Adults Identify as LGBT  (Read 1267 times)

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3.4% ALSO included Bisexuals (aka confused experimenting college girls)

Special Report: 3.4% of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT
Inaugural Gallup findings based on more than 120,000 interviews
by Gary J. Gates and Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- The inaugural results of a new Gallup question -- posed to more than 120,000 U.S. adults thus far -- shows that 3.4% say "yes" when asked if they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.

These results are based on responses to the question, "Do you, personally, identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?" included in 121,290 Gallup Daily tracking interviews conducted between June 1 and Sept. 30, 2012. This is the largest single study of the distribution of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population in the U.S. on record. By comparison, the General Social Survey, a project of NORC at the University of Chicago, asked a sexual orientation question in its 2008 and 2010 survey of about 2,000 adults in each year. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Survey of Family Growth asked a sexual orientation question of about 12,000 young adults aged 18 to 44 in 2002 and of more than 20,000 adults in its 2006-2010 survey. The 3.4% figure is similar to a 3.8% estimate made by one of the authors of this study (Gates), averaging a group of smaller U.S. surveys conducted from 2004 to 2008.

Exactly who makes up the LGBT community and how this group should be measured is a subject of some debate. Measuring sexual orientation and gender identity can be challenging since these concepts involve complex social and cultural patterns. As a group still subject to social stigma, many of those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender may not be forthcoming about this identity when asked about it in a survey. Therefore, it's likely that some Americans in what is commonly referred to as "the closet" would not be included in the estimates derived from the Gallup interviews. Thus, the 3.4% estimate can best be represented as adult Americans who publicly identify themselves as part of the LGBT community when asked in a survey context.

There are a number of ways to measure lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientation, and transgender status. Sexual orientation can be assessed by measuring identity as well as sexual behaviors and attractions. Transgender status can be an identity but can also include consideration of behaviors regarding gender nonconformity and an individual's internal sense of gender.

Gallup chose the broad measure of personal identification as LGBT because this grouping of four statuses is commonly used in current American discourse, and as a result has important cultural and political significance. One obvious limitation of this approach is that it is not possible to separately consider differences among lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, or transgender individuals. A second limitation is that this approach measures broad self-identity, and does not measure sexual or other behavior, either past or present.

The following sections review the percentage identifying as LGBT across specific subgroups of the U.S. population. Overall, the results from this analysis run counter to some media stereotypes that portray the LGBT community as predominantly white, highly educated, and very wealthy.

Nonwhite Individuals More Likely to Identify as LGBT

Nonwhites are more likely than white segments of the U.S. population to identify as LGBT. The survey results show that 4.6% of African-Americans identify as LGBT, along with 4.0% of Hispanics and 4.3% of Asians. The disproportionately higher representation of LGBT status among nonwhite population segments corresponds to the slightly below-average 3.2% of white Americans who identified as LGBT.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Largest Gallup Poll of Homosexuality ever: 3.4% Adults Identify as LGBT
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2012, 08:37:07 PM »
Their loose definition of transgender is really questionable:

Transgender status can be an identity but can also include consideration of behaviors regarding gender nonconformity and an individual's internal sense of gender.

How in the heck would they identify "gender noncomformity?" Those are social constructs for the most part (although some gender differences obviously have a biological basis). So would they accuse a little girl who likes to play with spiders of being transgender? Would they accuse a little boy who doesn't like violence and roughhousing as being transgender? How ridiculous on both counts. There's a natural variation of personality in human beings and a girl not fitting the exact stereotype of girl interests or a boy not fitting the exact stereotype of boy interests doesn't mean that the girl is masculine or the boy is feminine, or that they're going to grow up to be homosexual.

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Re: Largest Gallup Poll of Homosexuality ever: 3.4% Adults Identify as LGBT
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2012, 08:50:43 PM »
They'll do anything at this point to inflate their numbers.  This is like taking a poll to see how many people have some kind of mental illness.

I think they really want to hit Kinsey's 10% figure and they're going to try to manipulate the numbers to somehow get there.

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Re: Largest Gallup Poll of Homosexuality ever: 3.4% Adults Identify as LGBT
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2012, 09:05:34 PM »
This guy wants at least 50% of people to be gay or lesbian in 40 years. He says that children should be taught about "alternate sexual lifestyles" "at as young an age as possible."  According to him, by the time a child is 8 years old it is too late.

Offline BritishSword

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Re: Largest Gallup Poll of Homosexuality ever: 3.4% Adults Identify as LGBT
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2012, 09:24:12 PM »
So the news is there are some gay people.
Lets move on,
the only polls we should be interested in are the presidential ones.
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Offline Rubystars

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Re: Largest Gallup Poll of Homosexuality ever: 3.4% Adults Identify as LGBT
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2012, 09:25:25 PM »
This guy wants at least 50% of people to be gay or lesbian in 40 years. He says that children should be taught about "alternate sexual lifestyles" "at as young an age as possible."  According to him, by the time a child is 8 years old it is too late.

It's hard for them not to know about it nowadays if they go to public school. I was really upset when I went into my local library and I saw pieces of the aids quilt on display that had LGBT slogans on it. I wanted to complain that it was horrible to expose children in the library to that deviancy, and that they shouldn't know about that until they're old enough to have been taught the normal way of things first, but I knew my words would do no good as the library staff are all extreme liberals.