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Nasty U.S economic statistics
serbian army:
--- Quote ---"The employment-to-population ratio is the best measure of labor market conditions and it currently shows that there has been almost no improvement whatsoever over the past three years," Paul Ashworth, chief North American economist for Capital Economics, writes in a note to clients obtained by CNN. That figure, which accounts for the proportion of working Americans compared with the number of adults in the country, is a lot higher than 8 per cent.
For now, 58.7 per cent of American adults are working if the actual employment-population ratio is taken into consideration, leaving about 82 million, or almost 41 per cent of people unemployed. Only 8 per cent, however, are even interested in work, leaving 33 per cent of Americans not only jobless — but with no desire for work.
"The ratio expresses more clearly how many people find working to be a 'good or attractive deal,'" Tyler Cowen, economist and director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, adds to CNN.
If the numbers seem drastic, it’s because they are. So rampant in fact is the country’s seeming disregard for work that other just-released statistics show that funding welfare programs for the American population was the most expensive endeavor undertaken in all of Fiscal Year 2011.
Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee released findings this week showing that the government spent roughly $1.03 trillion on welfare programs last year, funding 83 separate efforts to provide assistance to Americans. Days earlier, a separate study out of Capitol Hill revealed that the number of people enrolled to receive federal assistance by way of food stamps has hit a new record high with roughly 47 million US residents.
“These astounding figures demonstrate that the United States spends more on federal welfare than any other program in the federal budget,” Alabama Sen. Jeff Session writes in a letter provided to The Daily Caller this week. “It is time to restore — not retreat from — the moral principles of the 1996 welfare reform. Such reforms, combined with measures to promote growth, will help both the recipient and the Treasury.”
“No longer should we measure compassion by how much money the government spends, but by how many people we help to rise out of poverty,” Sessions adds. “Welfare assistance should be seen as temporary whenever possible, and the goal must be to help more of our fellow citizens attain gainful employment and financial independence. This is about more than rescuing our finances. It’s about creating a more optimistic future for millions of struggling Americans.”
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I got information from this article. :o
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: serbian army on October 19, 2012, 10:32:57 PM ---I got information from this article. :o
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Where's the link?
There is only one solution ! >:(
--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on October 19, 2012, 04:03:07 PM ---Did you actually write all this?
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Course not I'm a Brit. I don't know jack about the U.S economy.
Yankee friend mailed it to me.
Confederate Kahanist:
--- Quote from: BritishSword on October 20, 2012, 08:03:31 PM ---Course not I'm a Brit. I don't know jack about the U.S economy.
Yankee friend mailed it to me.
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You don't have to live in the US to be an expert on our economy.
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