Author Topic: Hitler before suicide blames everyone in Germany except himselfSounds like obama  (Read 551 times)

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Offline mord

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He also hoped all of Germany should be killed.,7340,L-4297329,00.html   

Hitler in '45: German people should perish

Days before his death Hitler tells senior Nazis: 'Everyone deceived me… German people lost the war,' newly disclosed British intelligence report says

Published:    10.26.12, 15:24 / Israel News

The recently published diaries of former British M15 Deputy Director Guy Liddell, reveal new information on Hitler's final days, as they was documented in a Joint Intelligence Committee paper, the British Telegraph reported Friday.


According to the diaries, on April 22, 1945, during an assembly in his bunker, Hitler surprised his generals and Interior Minister Heinrich Himmler, with an alarming speech.

"Hitler came in at 8.30 a completely broken man; only a few army officers were with him. Himmler urged Hitler to leave Berlin," the report said.

According to the intelligence brief, Hitler then went on to say: "Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me… the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people have not fought heroically. It deserves to perish… it is not I who have lost the war, but the German people."

The report said that "Hitler's face then turned purple" and he "could not put his left foot on the ground properly."

Reportedly, throughout that night he suffered from a nervous breakdown and kept on raving that he would "meet his end in Berlin."

In spite of his breakdown, on the night he killed himself Hitler was said to be "calm."

He told Albert Speer, then minister of armaments, that he "awaited his death as a release from a hard life of difficulties."

"Hitler had at last realized that his star had set and the war was lost" British newspaper quotes Speer's words on the report.


"He said that he could not go out and die fighting on the barricades as he was afraid of merely being wounded and captured by the Russians. He would therefore shoot himself."
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Dan193

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And this idiot Pat Buchanon thinks Hitler wanted peace before 39.
This monster Hitler would have had his parents killed to stay in power.

Offline briann

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This is a very good point.  As Hitler saw he was loosing.... all he cared about was blaming others.   By the way... this was the premise of the Hitler spoof they keep showing on youtube.

Online angryChineseKahanist

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he was so brave. but just like obongo it was not his fault