Author Topic: Why we have to win this election  (Read 530 times)

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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Why we have to win this election
« on: October 31, 2012, 06:34:57 AM »
I've been thinking about another reason (as if you needed one) why this election is so important:  If the Democrats win this election it is quite likely that America will cease to be a free society.  Now I'm sure that as you read that last line your eyes rolled, and you thought something like this is just hyperbole, or this guy is an alarmist idiot, or I already know this election is important and I don't need another reason.  All this may be true, but I don't think so.  At the very least, I think this will give you one more idea to discuss with people you know.  Here goes:

There are two reasons that are immediately obvious about why if Obama is re-elected the Republicans will not win another federal election in our lifetimes:

1.)  The Democrats benefit from voter fraud EXCLUSIVELY.  The electoral system as it is today is in dire need of having some safeguards put into place to prevent.  It is no accident that Obama and Clinton have been urging voters to vote early.  That is because if people vote early there is a good chance that they can somehow vote twice.  It is also no accident that the Democrats have been hysterically opposed to demanding that voters present identification.  They say it isn't fair but the real reason is because  voter ID would go a long way to preventing fraud.  Back to the issue of voting early:  Early voting should only be allowed in the rarest of cases, such as when a person is infirmed or deployed.  Other than that, early voting should not be allowed.  Overwhelmingly, the Republicans who want to vote early do so for the rare reasons I just mentioned, but Democrats who vote early want to do so because it allows them to go to a different state on election day and vote a second time.  Stephen Kruiser made the intelligent point that voter fraud IS voter suppression because a fraudulent vote cancels out the vote of an honest voter from the other side.  If Mitt Romney gets elected he will take steps to reform the voting system in a way that will reduce the chances of voter fraud.  Needless to say, if Obama gets re-elected, he will either do nothing about voter fraud or he will take steps to ensure that voter fraud becomes more frequent and easy.  In sum, if the Democrats win this election it will make it harder to properly vote in a Republican candidate in the future.

2.)  Mitt Romney is already at a disadvantage for winning this election, because as he made clear in a video, since the Democrats have created a system where 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax, a very large segment of the population will vote for Obama so that they can keep from paying federal income tax and so they can keep whatever entitlements they get from our tax dollars.  Why would these people even consider voting for a Republican who wants to take their goodies away from them?  If Mitt Romney wins this election it will be despite this huge block of voters who will automatically vote for Obama.  The odds are against Romney from the start, just because of this rigged system the Democrats have worked hard to create.  The Democrats know that they will not win without these people on their side.  If Obama wins, he will make sure that more and more people become dependant on government handouts.  What will happen to the Republican chances of winning any election in the future once the number of Americans who pay no federal income tax rises to 60%?

In my opinion (which will never happen) is that if you don't pay any taxes then you should not have the right to vote.  Dennis Prager made an apt analogy:  If you belong to a bowling team, would you be allowed to make decisions that will affect that team if you don't pay your membership fee?

In sum, if Obama wins this election, the problem of voter fraud and the immoral act of bribing people to vote for the Democrats will only get worse.  There comes a point where the Republican message, no matter how sound and no matter how important will fall on deaf ears because too many people will be able to gain financially by voting for the Democrats.

If Obama gets re-elected, America will become an autocracy.  We've already seen how Obama has gotten things done by bi-passing congress by appointing "czars" and by making executive orders.  And because Obama has the entire mainstream media on his side, they will do what they can to help Obama realize his evil and dictatorial plans.

The bottom line is this:  We cannot sit out this election or vote for a third party candidate.  Get the word out.  Let's win this election.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Why we have to win this election
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2012, 07:22:13 AM »
Very good post and also pretty scary! I guess that's fit for Halloween though.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Why we have to win this election
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2012, 11:56:55 AM »
Very good post and also pretty scary! I guess that's fit for Halloween though.
Yeah, my relative was pro-Obama because of the benefits thing until I changed his/her mind.