What could possibly go wrong? Roughly translated from the article in
Le Figaro:
http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2015/11/17/01016-20151117ARTFIG00183-la-ratp-confrontee-a-la-poussee-du-communautarisme-islamiste.phpOne of the muslim nazi terrorists from the Paris attack last Friday was a public bus driver between 2011 and 2012.
This detail is revealing of the high level of muslim nazi infiltration in this public service.
Many muslim nazi linked incidents have multiplied these past years, especially among the 17.000 bus drivers.
One source told the newspaper
Le Parisian that to avoid buses getting stoned and burned in neighborhoods with large muslim populations, the public bus system hired local salafist thugs as drivers.
The muslim nazi syndicateChristophe Salmon, a CFDT labor union representative speaks of generalized behaviour such as the refusal to shake hands with female colleagues or to take a bus driven by a woman.
Any reporting of these incidents carries a heavy price. The CFDT, which regularly reported on muslim extremism within the public service and asked for a secular charter crumbled in the last elections with only 5.1% of the votes. Salmon explains the bad score thusly: “We got 3% in the bus department, if we had gone along with the muslim fanatics, we would have gotten 10%”
According to the source of
Le Parisian, public transit employs the highest number of “S Files” (An “S File” means that the person it concerns is listed as a clear and present danger to public safety due to muslim nazi activity and should be monitored at all times).