Author Topic: Persecution in Kazakhstan? Police arrest Pastor/Family & 7 & 11 year old kids 4/  (Read 462 times)

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Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline drlmg

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I have a patient from Kazakhstan. She is a beautiful young woman (personality AND physically, she does not look like the nasty arab girls or typical muslim women I have seen) who married an older wealthy American and moved here with him. Whenever I see her we usually end up talking for a while. The stories she tells from her life in Kaza. are absolutely mind-blowing. She would have married Barney Frank if she had to to get out of that country and away from muslims. She is a very intelligent lady and has a hatred for muslims and government. Believe it or not she is a true patriot who would probably fight for this country. From what she says, women are beaten routinely and it is considered OK there. Women are raped, along with children, it is OK even with the police.

I guess she has changed since being in the US because I can guarantee if someone crossed her now they would regret it. She goes on and on about how she loves this country and how people don't appreciate it. She is baffled at how people who don't work (but are able bodied) expect to be taken care of, that makes no sense to her. Her favorite thing here is having a car because she can go wherever she feels like going, that is something she could not do before. She loves to just go for no apparent reason and to no particular place, just because she can. It is amazing listening how the simple things we take for granted mean so much to her and how thankful and appreciative she is. She wants no part of Kaza. culture and says she is an American now and wants no part of islam, she is Christian now.

RE oBumma, she hates him and doesn't understand why people want to ruin this country. She has said this is the best place in the world and the people don't even appreciate it, rather they are destroying it with their laziness and greed for what other people have.

Offline drlmg

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There is a great website called compass direct....

This refers to it but I don't think this is it. The site does not come up when I try to reach it.

Anyway, it is news on religious persecution. It is sad that religious persecution is not considered newsworthy by main stream news outlets. One example of significant persecution ignored by MSM is the Christian and Jewish persecution in Egypt under the leadership of oBumma's man Morsi.... that did not occur under Mubarak.

Anyway, EVERY one of the NUMEROUS cases of persecution (including murder, beatings, kidnappings, etc) listed is by..... guess.....


No, not a single case out of the hundreds listed.... it is ALL... 100% perpetrated by muslims.

The religion of peace? Yeah right!!