Shalom: There is alot of land out here for is the website of a place I have been checking on....
Alot of people are going off grid and getting out into nature...we have alot of nature and beauty out here.
If you want to move, and start over, build your own place, this is a good way to do it... of us are doing this out here too!!!

If you build a building that is 14 by 114 ft or smaller, you dont need a permit and I also found out drilling a water well costs from $21 to $12 dollar a foot. But people are getting wells at 150 ft or less.....some areas have community wells, where you can go get your water and take it to your camp (good while saving up to drill or what have you)..
This is your official invite to move out here from me, someone who's ancestor's help to found this great state.....
