A little while ago I was perusing YouTube to view the latest clips of spoiled, hate-filled blacks doing their thing, as well as writing a few comments here and there to basically state how much I love Dr. Michael Savage (of "The Savage Nation" radio show) and how much I despise Ted Koppel (for having used his immense influence for decades to poison blacks and other races against "whitey"). Of course, I also laid out a few comments about the bastard blacks that were featured in some of the clips because I feel that my insights are worth dispensing to the world (even though it's not the same as having the kind of reach that Koppel had with his Nightline soapbox) as some folks might find them to be good ammo to help deal with what we're up against.
That sort of activity -- i.e., visiting the frontlines of this cultural war via the Internet -- has, I'm pleased to say, become something of a hobby of mine lately.

And so while I was having fun with my new "hobby," I happened to stumble upon two very smart, brave, perceptive, articulate, honest, young dudes that had placed a clip there in which they discussed the national news media's cover-up of two Caucasians (I hate the word "white") that were tortured, raped and murdered by spoiled, racist blacks!
And so, you see, THAT'S how I ended up here as a new member of this wonderful website, via their invitation to join forces against the ever-growing liberals and their evil power and influence.
In case you're interested, my own particular desire is to mainly vent/dispense in this important forum my feelings and ideas as they relate to spoiled, racist blacks and how it is that many members of the general news media, so-called, are fueling all of this (mostly) one-sided racial hate that's ripping at the seams of this country called the United States of America.
Of course, as many of you know, said (liberal) phonies, while often pocketing millions of dollars doing their TV and newspaper jobs, keep telling us over and over that they're really smart, good-hearted people trying to "enlighten" all of us less "sophisticated" folks that live in the real world, and whom have no choice but to deal with the anger and acts of violence their lies have instilled into the millions of blacks that we come into contact with on an every day basis (as they, the media libs, sit in protected comfort far away from it all ... while judging us as "racists"). And so we have our work cut out for us, THAT'S for sure!
For the record, I LOVE any human being that God has created no matter what their color or race or whatever is, but, I HATE(!) with a passion all of this filthy, racist, media-made guilt crap the liberals are using to try and destroy what so many people -- of all stripes and colors! -- have laid their lives down for; namely a fair, safe, free and prosperous society. And so, friends, I don't intend to allow myself to remain quiet about what we all know is going on ... just because liberal evildoers out to brainwash the world via lies and half-truths might tar me as being a "racist" (or worse) if I open my reviled, male, Caucasian mouth to speak out against it! Screw them!
Thus I join the fearless and great Dr. Michael Savage and all of you folks that feel the same way. We live in strange and frightening times, but with God's power, Will and glory, this utter darkness that touches all of us with its satanic intent won't prevail. We know who we are and we know what they are and what they're up to.
So bring on the fight scumbag liberals!