Author Topic: Obama called a Radical Communist by former ambassador Alan Keyes  (Read 1190 times)

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Offline yahpc

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Obama called a Radical Communist by former ambassador Alan Keyes
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:53:38 PM »
Obama called a Radical Communist by former ambassador Alan Keyes

Here's one of the bold quotes from the Alan Keyes video menttioned above, available at

"He's going to destroy this country, and we're either going to stop him, or the United States of America is going to cease to exist."

In light of all of the evidence of massive electoral fraud that recently occurred in the 2012 presidential election, and the lawless, unconstitutional executive orders, laws, and legislation enacted by Democrats, two sure ways to stop the Obama and Democrats are:

1. Urge as strongly as possible your state Governor to reject, refuse, and/or return federal money sent to states to set up a Health Care Exchange for Obamacare. State Governors must legally refuse this money. If Governors accept this money, then they must comply with all of the 2000+ pages of regulations in Obamacare. The Obamacare mandates and regulations are scheduled to go into effect on January 13, 2013, also known as TAXMAGEDDON, where, enforced by the IRS, our individual federal tax bills, due to Obamacare, will increase by an average of more than THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS.

2. Nullify all of Obama's unconstitutional executive orders, laws, and legislation (such as, but not limited to Obamacare) by WE THE PEOPLE, with the help of state lawmakers of each state enacting state resolutions to nullify them.

To start this, create a petition, going door to door via a few dozen volunteers, and obtain about one thousand signatures from Republicans in your neighborhood who are in favor of  this. Then find out when your Republican state representatives and state senators are in their offices, and visit them when they are, en masse, with as many people who signed your  petitions as possible, with their videocameras and cell phone cameras recording. The purpose is to "make a big splash" by showing that there is much citizen interest in doing this, and by posting internet videos and notices on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, etc. for it.

Using many videocameras and cell phones, and disregarding commands, if any, to turn them off (because representatives and senators are servants of WE THE PEOPLE, and we  must have proof to hold their noses to the grindstone), record the words and reactions of your state representatives and state senators, telling them that you want to meet with state lawmakers for this purpose. Be insistant and don't accept any stalling or stonewalling tactics that they might try to use against you. Contact the leaders of local Tea Parties to find who  are in favor of it and ask for their assistance.

But do not waste your precious time by signing the "mother may I please have permission" secession petitions created by and posted online by Obama and the Democrats.  Constitutionally, only the U.S. Congress can include or exclude states within the United States. Therefore, Obama's secession petitions are likely a strategy to "stall for time", and an  attempt to distract and deactivate less informed citizens by giving them false hope in waiting for presidential "permission" to secede that Constitutionally can not and will not ever come.


Please write with your positive comments.


To do justice and judgment
is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. (Proverbs 21:3)


Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Obama called a Radical Communist by former ambassador Alan Keyes
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 02:11:48 AM »
Alan Keyes is great he should run in 2016

Offline yahpc

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Re: Obama called a Radical Communist by former ambassador Alan Keyes
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2012, 03:43:11 PM »
Thank you for your reply.

He should. He debated Obama on the issues in 2008 while running in the 2008 Republican primary election. His video debates against Obama are available on Youtube.

Offline Nachus

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Re: Obama called a Radical Communist by former ambassador Alan Keyes
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2012, 03:43:57 AM »

 Obama should be half as smart as Alan Keyes!

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Obama called a Radical Communist by former ambassador Alan Keyes
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2012, 07:30:41 AM »

 Obama should be half as smart as Alan Keyes!
I agree