The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam



Dan Ben Noah:

It's true. Hitler was the only infidel the Muslims truly respect.

Every Jew AK47:
The leader of the Palestinian people's famous words were, "In heaven we have @llah, on earth we have hitler".

This is the founding father of the so-called Fakestinian people.  His name Mufti Mohammad Al-Husseini.


--- Quote from: EveryJewA44 on January 22, 2013, 01:53:05 AM ---The leader of the Palestinian people's famous words were, "In heaven we have @llah, on earth we have hitler".

This is the founding father of the so-called Fakestinian people.  His name Mufti Mohammad Al-Husseini.

--- End quote ---
He was also Arabfart's YM"S uncle

Israel Chai:
Picture is gone, probably another page lost to facebook jihad, so here's my favorite from my thread as replacement:


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