Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbia stands with Fakenstine

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Thanks allot  :o

Serbia voted for statehood to Fakenstine, while Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and pretty much the entire eastern Europe except the former USSR sans the Baltic countries, Abstained. The Czech republic stood with Israel and voted against Fakenstine.


--- Quote from: Lady 10 on November 30, 2012, 06:21:44 AM ---"Thanks a lot" to who? Yes, the members of this forum had "voted" in the favour of "Palestine".
When America recognized the so called state of "Kosovo", no Serb said  "Thanks a lot" to JTFers.

It's the filthy governments and politicians who make those decisions, not us.

What is "Servia"?

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I corrected the typo in the subject, so thanks allot To You, for correcting me.

Arbab-israeli conflict increasingly resembles to the ex-Yu conflict.  Palestine is like Kosovo and Israel is like Serbia, just missing the sanctions and bombing. Unfortunately I think it will come in the future, Biblical prophecies begin to come true!!

Do you think the Serb public is more pro Israeli then its government ?


--- Quote from: Zelhar on November 30, 2012, 02:34:50 PM ---Do you think the Serb public is more pro Israeli then its government ?

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Off-course. Serbia have many problems and many people dont think about this. But people today realize that the victims were to blame, and the more people see a parallel between Jews and Serbs as a persecuted people who are to blame for everything.


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