Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbia stands with Fakenstine
Disgusting! >:(
And I always thought Serbia had more common sense than this. I am shocked and very disappointed about this situation.
We are occupied, we have no right to speak in our own country. :-X Sounds familiar?
Right now our traitorous politicians are helping Muslim terrorists in Kosovo to gain sovereignty. If that's the way they treat their own country, what did you expect they would treat yours?
I'm deeply ashamed of their act. Recognition of a Muslim state on the soil of Israel is a crime of the highest magnitude.
:serbia: :israel:
--- Quote from: Sturm on December 10, 2012, 06:59:09 PM ---We are occupied, we have no right to speak in our own country. :-X Sounds familiar?
Right now our traitorous politicians are helping Muslim terrorists in Kosovo to gain sovereignty. If that's the way they treat their own country, what did you expect they would treat yours?
I'm deeply ashamed of their act. Recognition of a Muslim state on the soil of Israel is a crime of the highest magnitude.
:serbia: :israel:
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