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NFL gorilla punished for stepping on face of fellow gorilla
Thats the problem with some of our whites who want by any means to look like babboons as well.
It's like when you see blonde women going about with African-styled garb on. It's only a couple steps away from them going off to Africa and marrying a local tribesman. White people hate being white. I guess this is because deep down they feel inferior and unable to match the high standards of white bourgeois society.
--- Quote ---It's like when you see blonde women going about with African-styled garb on.
--- End quote ---
Where do you see this?! I never saw it in my life.
Well I have seen some white women dred their hair to look the Jamaicans are people this obsessed with blacks by all mean to make themselves look ridiculous?
NFL gorilla punished for stepping on face of fellow gorilla;topic=661.8#msg5079
NFL gorilla punished for stepping on face of fellow gorilla
I have posted this before however it seems like after reading the above post I should post it again.
This picture reminded me of a funny story. About 10 years ago now I went to the Bronx zoo with a girl I was going out with. We walked through the zoo to a point that seemed to be along the back corner of the zoo. Many parts of the zoo were being updated at that time and in one spot they had construction going and a large sign stated something like COMMING SOON GORILLA WORLD or Ape WORLD COMMING SOON. I turned to my friend and told her that they didn't have to build anything all they had to do was to cut out a section of fence and gorilla world was already there in the sourounding neighborhood she came back at me with" but then what would protect the animals in the zoo". We were in a crowd of people who overheard this and everyone got a good laugh and being it was the Bronx you know it was a diverse bunch.
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