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Blackfoot Native Americans defending their land
Confederate Kahanist:
I say drive the white environazi squaw off the land:
Every Jew AK47:
I was in Glacier National Park a couple years ago and have respect for the Blackfoot. **** all these neo-nazi pieces of crap, most of them imports from Kommiefornia who think they will takeover the magnificent state of Montana and turn it into their bastion of White National Socialism. Many people in Montana actually have a little Native American blood, due to mixing and they are as threatened by these nazi pigs as anyone else. I drove through Blackfoot reservations and know they are a proud warrior race that the other Native tribes feared and if it wasn't for the white settlers, the Blackfeet could have easily conquered a large portion of the Northwest USA.
COnsidering, I think most Jews should leave New York, California, Illinois and settle in remote mountain areas like Montana, I think it would be a worthy cause to help them wipe out these pathetic neo-nazi turds. Most of them were chased out of North Idaho and now the Flathead Valley is there new hiding place, but I know it's a matter of time before Montanans stand up against these scumbags and chase them out of their state. Montanans are tolerant people, in general, and have had that tolerance taken advantage of by these inbred, degenerate trailer trash nazi piece of ****.
Also, considering the Blackfoot are the original inhabitants of Glacier National Park, before they were thrown off, I cannot believe the park officials got the nerve to dictate to them where they can drill for oil and not.
--- Quote from: EveryJewA44 on December 31, 2012, 01:13:57 AM ---I was in Glacier National Park a couple years ago and have respect for the Blackfoot. **** all these neo-nazi pieces of crap, most of them imports from Kommiefornia who think they will takeover the magnificent state of Montana and turn it into their bastion of White National Socialism. Many people in Montana actually have a little Native American blood, due to mixing and they are as threatened by these nazi pigs as anyone else. I drove through Blackfoot reservations and know they are a proud warrior race that the other Native tribes feared and if it wasn't for the white settlers, the Blackfeet could have easily conquered a large portion of the Northwest USA.
COnsidering, I think most Jews should leave New York, California, Illinois and settle in remote mountain areas like Montana, I think it would be a worthy cause to help them wipe out these pathetic neo-nazi turds. Most of them were chased out of North Idaho and now the Flathead Valley is there new hiding place, but I know it's a matter of time before Montanans stand up against these scumbags and chase them out of their state. Montanans are tolerant people, in general, and have had that tolerance taken advantage of by these inbred, degenerate trailer trash nazi piece of ****.
Also, considering the Blackfoot are the original inhabitants of Glacier National Park, before they were thrown off, I cannot believe the park officials got the nerve to dictate to them where they can drill for oil and not.
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Those neonazis are excrement to be sure. >:( YSV to all of them!! That said, the inbreeding depression myth might be used to manipulate Jews and righteous gentiles into marrying outside their own groups to air out their genes when it really isn't necessary to do so. :'( That myth must be obliterated along with neonazi scum!
--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on December 24, 2012, 02:43:11 AM ---I say drive the white environazi squaw off the land:
--- End quote ---
If that guy's imperial pagan roman ancestors had found their way to america, they would have committed genocides that made the massacres committed by the early americans seem like nothing! Well now I know why he likes the Japanese so much.
Also why does he trust people living on the reservation just because they happening to be born of a certain lineage? Sounds like how Nazis and racists think. And why are an environmentalist's concerns less valid based on where he was born or lives be it detroit or india?
And finally, Chas Cartwright could hardly be called a neo-nazi since he has called for doing more to attract black and other minority visitors to national parks: He could have been an original german nazi, though, since Hitler (YSV)’s Wehrmacht-Waffen SS (YSV) combination was the most culturally, ethnically, and religiously diverse military force in Western history.
What happened to the Indians here in the United States should be a lesson to people what happens when people are unable to defend themselves from outside invasion... Personally I believe more harm has been done to the Indian people here in the USA in recent years with all the subsidies that keep them hanging around the reservation waiting for the next handout... American Indians that leave the reservation and live like any other American do quite well unlike their reservation residing counterparts... Sadly the United States government feels it has control of all natural resources here in the U.S and how they are developed... The fact that the resources are on so called reservation land is lost in the mind of the bureaucrats... If the Indian thinks he is going to get any better consideration than Texaco or Exxon they must be smoking something funny in their old peace pipe.
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