Guns and Self-Defense > Guns/Firearms

Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*ck Themselves.


Confederate Kahanist:
I say we demand a plant to stop watching these Hippocrates: 

Every Jew AK47:
The same self-righteous, blood-sucking Hollywood drug fiends will go get s---faced drunk and high and drive around intoxicated risking the lives of you and your children.   These same Hollywood pukes will be guarded by armed and trained guards.  Basically, they are on TV not because they give a **** about your kids or guns, they want the world to see how compassionate they are to try to hide their selfish, indulgent and evil lifestyle and to ward the blame off them for being a bad influence on society which leads to lot of the atrocities we see today.

Americans have always had guns, but we haven't always had violent films, music and pornography to pollute our minds.


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