The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Libya: Blacks treated like Apes in the Zoo by rebels



Binyamin Yisrael:
Didn't Qadafi end up supporting some Pan-African nonsense rather than side with other Arab countries (Libya was originally a white Berber country before being taken over by white Arabs.)? Even Mandela (YM"V) defended him while he was on the terrorist list.


--- Quote from: Binyamin Yisrael on December 27, 2012, 12:01:29 AM ---Didn't Qadafi end up supporting some Pan-African nonsense rather than side with other Arab countries (Libya was originally a white Berber country before being taken over by white Arabs.)? Even Mandela (YM"V) defended him while he was on the terrorist list.

--- End quote ---

Yes, you're right. It makes no sense at all.


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