Author Topic: A Jew indicted for self defense shots that hit Arab attacker 5 years ago.  (Read 477 times)

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Offline Aces High

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The" Jewish"  Police Force  decided to move forward with the case against against the Jewish man.

The Jewish man could serve as many as ten years.  No wonder Arabs continue throwing stones at Jews  to this day.  They know 99 pecent of the time Jews will never protect themselves, because they will go to jail if they do.

Here's  the exact article:
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 06:13:17 PM by Aces High »

Offline IsraelForever

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Re: A Jew indicted for self defense shots that hit Arab attacker 5 years ago.
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 05:59:50 PM »
The link above takes me to an entirely different article.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: A Jew indicted for self defense shots that hit Arab attacker 5 years ago.
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 07:30:48 PM »
And people wonder why I don't make aliyah to Israel, my homeland!  Yeah, give up my rights of self-defense, so I can be defenseless, unarmed and weak Jew at the mercy of Arab savages in my own home country??? No thanks.. With the way things are going, I think Israel is on its way to becoming the next Islamic superpower in the Middle East.  They will just rid themselves of the remaining Jews left in the country, once the Arab MKs take control of the government with the help of the self-hating Judenratt MKs on the left and so-called right.

The guy everyone spit on and called a radical, Meir Kahane, will eventually be viewed almost as a prophet if that bloody day ever happens!  And, I don't have a good feeling for Israel's future as of now.. Sorry..
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