An .88

Nah, every Jew a 50BMG with plenty of magazines and ammo..

Seriously, our tax dollars pay for scum like this prison homo who goes around raping white men.. Since, I am paying for Obama's cousin with my tax money, I much rather have my money allocated on castrating pieces of **** like him and putting him into a hard labor camp where he can spend the rest of his life digging ditches, rather then paying for him to live a nice vacation life in prison, where he eats nicely, works out , has TV , movies, entertainment and rapes all the helpless innocent white men he can find.
Obama, more or less is giving it to whitey too, just at in a much larger scale manner. We are his booty and he is going to pay the white folks back for slavery, by robbing and raping us. Thankfully, there is plenty of dumb fish who will just say yes to him , when Uncle Bammy Hussein says bend over.