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Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« on: January 06, 2013, 11:51:42 PM »
Excellent article...

"Since last month’s horrifying and heartbreaking school massacre in Newtown, Conn., politicians and the press have, as everyone knows, been totally obsessed with firearms."

"In the end, it may well turn out that knowing what kinds of guns he used isn’t nearly as important as what kind of [psychiatric] drugs he used. That is, assuming we ever find out."
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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 05:25:34 AM »
People need to learn that if they are having bad circumstances in life, that it is normal to feel sad, angry, or upset about it. You don't need an SSRI to make you feel happy all the time. Most people on those drugs shouldn't be on them, and those that should be on them should be better monitored and some should be locked up.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 05:48:47 AM »
Wow. Great article! I hope more light is shed on this issue instead of the senseless banning of guns!

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 11:06:56 AM »
Sorry, I believe that Sandy Hook is a lie. How much of a lie? I dont know.

You all can think what you want, but many of the people at this sicko scene were actors-in a sick attempt to control our guns.

I am not into conspiracy theories.

'Victoria Soto "RIP" facebook page created on Dec 10th. Sandy Hook happened on Dec. 14'

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 07:49:03 PM »
The media fails the american citizens because it puts agenda before journalism.  The media are supposed toask these questions but are not

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2013, 08:21:46 PM »
You can't rely on establishment media to ask any substantive questions about drugs, inconsistencies, or anything else. At least through the internet we have alternative media now, but it is important to filter through a lot of the information.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 08:25:44 PM »
You can't rely on establishment media to ask any substantive questions about drugs, inconsistencies, or anything else. At least through the internet we have alternative media now, but it is important to filter through a lot of the information.

Yep, I dont know what happened. YOU know how I have struggled with this scenario, R.S.
But, just look at that vid.

Its SO obvious that something is totally wrong.
My mind wont let me meld into conspiracy, b/c that makes me nuts. There are a LOT of things that are truly messed up with this Sandy Hook thing; People laughing, the medical examiner acting like a moron- "RIP" facebook page made 4 days BEFORE the incident-I dont get it.
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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2013, 08:29:33 PM »
Yep, I dont know what happened. YOU know how I have struggled with this scenario, R.S.
But, just look at that vid.

Its SO obvious that something is totally wrong.
My mind wont let me meld into conspiracy, b/c that makes me nuts. There are a LOT of things that are truly messed up with this Sandy Hook thing; People laughing, the medical examiner acting like a moron- "RIP" facebook page made 4 days BEFORE the incident-I dont get it.

I have believed from the beginning that it was pre-planned ahead of time by the government. The fact that there are some things coming out that seem to vindicate me makes me feel like my instincts were right. The thing is I think people get too hung up on the "conspiracy" label. We're programmed to shut down when we hear that word. We should be skeptical of conspiracy theories, but there are real conspiracies out there. Globalism is a real conspiracy too. The fact that we're programmed to shut down and be dismissive when someone starts questioning the federal government or establishment media should be more scary than anything else.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2013, 08:43:19 PM »
One thing we should be careful of though is don't let confirmation bias get in the way of analyzing any of this. Some of the photos that have been coming out for example could have been photoshopped so if you want to use a photo like the one that appears to shows two of the kids alive after the fact, as evidence try to get the original AP photo or something along those lines. I don't trust the ones that have been floating around on facebook. We should proceed but proceed cautiously.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2013, 09:12:30 PM »
I smell a rat here and I also doubt that bin Laden was killed.

Offline USAReturn2GodNow1776

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2013, 09:30:41 PM »
how would you end up with a sandy hook. what the hell would you be trying to hook in the sand? but more importantly, why would such a condition of said hook matter. I am reminded of the cultural issue of americans getting hooked on junk foods such as pecan sandies. you know they put addictive chemicals in that stuff.. which brings us back to the cultural drug issue I guess
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 09:41:25 PM by DeathToIslam1776 »

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2013, 09:52:36 PM »
I would believe almost anything with Obongo and the New World Media, but he could not stop the military from the mission that they had already started, unless he wanted to raise a bunch of red flags! Therefore go with it, and promote yourself as the killer of Osama! He did give him a nice Muslim funeral though...

maybe the sandy hook is a code name for a weapon that will be able to deal the muslim terrorists once and for all. After all, who has hooked and destroyed more people, the keebler elves with their poison sand cookies or the the pedo sand-prophet mohamed with his evil fairy tale of islam

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2013, 10:44:51 PM »
Sorry, I believe that Sandy Hook is a lie. How much of a lie? I dont know.

You all can think what you want, but many of the people at this sicko scene were actors-in a sick attempt to control our guns.

I am not into conspiracy theories.

'Victoria Soto "RIP" facebook page created on Dec 10th. Sandy Hook happened on Dec. 14'

Sorry but this is BS.

The Victoria Soto facebook page was created December 10th.   When she died, it was changed to a memorial page.

It's amazing that people would actually believe that a school would invent a teacher who doesn't exist, all the students (children) would lie and say they were taught by said teacher who never really existed, lie and say that said teacher told them to hide in the closet even though she never existed, her dead body magically appeared at the crime scene even though she never existed, the POLICE and FORENSICS team identify the body as Victoria Soto, the entire family creates a fake sibling and then tells the police, yes that is our sibling/daughter/cousin who doesn't really exist (because family is always asked the identify the body to confirm it), and the police believe them of course, and someone had to fake the DNA evidence too, and all the parents of the children who were in her class readily lie about a teacher named victoria soto who really wasn't their kids' teacher.

Do you understand how unlikely this is and how impossible it would be to convince all those people to lie and make up such a ridiculous story (for no apparent reason btw) and not one person would come forward and say, this is not true?    LOL   Please think rationally.    No one faked the death of Victoria Soto because no one had to.   20 something people died there that day, there are enough dead bodies that no one had to be invented.

And not one of these eff'ing youtube geniuses even posits a motive.   Ever consider why that may be?   Because it wouldn't even make sense to make up this person's death even if there was some evil conspiracy to do it - there wouldn't be a purpose.     

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2013, 10:46:22 PM »
That's exactly it... make everything that is against the administration, a conspiracy theory! Therefore anyone that does not agree with the leftist communists, are just nut job tea bags!

 You ever read the Muslim 20 point plan for America? Look at it and think!

Thank you, ephraim. I'm reading it now.  :)

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2013, 11:14:37 PM »
I just joined the NRA. I'm just a dozen years late.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2013, 11:31:15 PM »
I heard on Alex Jones that the NRA probably is basically going to betray us. But what the hay, I guess I'll join it too.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2013, 02:24:53 AM »
I heard on Alex Jones that the NRA probably is basically going to betray us. But what the hay, I guess I'll join it too.

I was thinking about that too.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2013, 07:44:41 AM »
You can't really trust the NRA but they're better than nothing.

Anyway I think you did a good analysis of why the Victoria Soto page was there early KWRBT. We need that kind of critical thinking and analysis. That was something that was puzzling me and I knew there had to be a good explanation for it. Your explanation for it was a very good one and I agree with you on that one.

Personally I think that all or almost all of them really did die. There'd be too much to deal with to fool all the funeral homes, etc. for that many people.

I do think though we can all make our points and analyze this together without calling each other irrational, etc. Shouldn't we nurture and encourage the practice of questioning the establishment media? Don't we know from the past that they lie to us or distort facts sometimes? So it's good to question them! It's also good and healthy to question the federal government because they've proven by past behavior that they too just can not be trusted.

You can say "I disagree because of this and that" and it comes off much better.

One thing I can't get over is Emilie Parker's dad laughing and smiling the day after she died right before he made a speech about her. What was wrong with that guy? Everything else aside that's just bizarre.

What I really have a question about still is whether this event was pre-planned in some way. A lot of the "kids still alive" stuff seems to be a smoke screen to hide something else in my opinion. One thing I've learned in researching topics like this one,  is that there's often a lot of junk information thrown out as a smoke screen. It's to keep questioning people that are doing our best to analyze this, like Paulette and I, from finding out more.

We always have to be on our guard against disinformation smoke screens and confirmation bias. But we must pursue this and we must not let it go because the results of things like this just cost this country too much.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2013, 09:39:38 AM »
You can't really trust the NRA but they're better than nothing.

Anyway I think you did a good analysis of why the Victoria Soto page was there early KWRBT. We need that kind of critical thinking and analysis. That was something that was puzzling me and I knew there had to be a good explanation for it. Your explanation for it was a very good one and I agree with you on that one.

Personally I think that all or almost all of them really did die. There'd be too much to deal with to fool all the funeral homes, etc. for that many people.

I do think though we can all make our points and analyze this together without calling each other irrational, etc. Shouldn't we nurture and encourage the practice of questioning the establishment media? Don't we know from the past that they lie to us or distort facts sometimes? So it's good to question them! It's also good and healthy to question the federal government because they've proven by past behavior that they too just can not be trusted.

You can say "I disagree because of this and that" and it comes off much better.

One thing I can't get over is Emilie Parker's dad laughing and smiling the day after she died right before he made a speech about her. What was wrong with that guy? Everything else aside that's just bizarre.

What I really have a question about still is whether this event was pre-planned in some way. A lot of the "kids still alive" stuff seems to be a smoke screen to hide something else in my opinion. One thing I've learned in researching topics like this one,  is that there's often a lot of junk information thrown out as a smoke screen. It's to keep questioning people that are doing our best to analyze this, like Paulette and I, from finding out more.

We always have to be on our guard against disinformation smoke screens and confirmation bias. But we must pursue this and we must not let it go because the results of things like this just cost this country too much.

Some people deal with tragedy in strange ways because they are in shock.

I have reacted to bad news by laughing before.   The laughing isn't even a conscious decision.  I was kind of in disbelief more than anything. 
Laughing is actually a sign of insecurity.   But when it happens in response to bad news it's because the person doesn't know how to react.   I think he looked weird but it's understandable why he would in that situation.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2013, 09:51:27 AM »
Or what if that father just had some psychopathic tendencies. Like maybe he has the genetic "ingredients" for a brain that is semi-wired like a psychopath but did not receive the necessary environmental ingredients to become a full-fledged one. He might not be able to love or process emotions the same way normal people do. Not to say he can't love at all, though. Or maybe he was just weird in some other way that has nothing to do with psychopathy.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2013, 09:57:01 AM »
Some people deal with tragedy in strange ways because they are in shock.

I have reacted to bad news by laughing before.   The laughing isn't even a conscious decision.  I was kind of in disbelief more than anything. 
Laughing is actually a sign of insecurity.   But when it happens in response to bad news it's because the person doesn't know how to react.   I think he looked weird but it's understandable why he would in that situation.

I don't necessarily think it means anything either, but I do think it was a strange reaction. When people first showed me that my response was "everyone grieves differently" but the image of him laughing wouldn't leave my mind. It still bothers me just for the fact that it makes it seem, at least on the surface, that he doesn't care about his daughter. I know that's not necessarily true though and he could just be going through a roller coaster of emotions.

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2013, 10:04:25 AM »
Why would the NRA turn against the people?

ultimately paid off by by the chinese pseudo-communists, who want to depopulate and take over the north american continent. more directly, paid off by leftist organizations in america. they will compromise and concede on assault rifles and say, "well not every individual can have his own nuclear weapons" etc, etc...

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2013, 10:16:20 AM »
ultimately paid off by by the chinese pseudo-communists, who want to depopulate and take over the north american continent. more directly, paid off by leftist organizations in america. they will compromise and concede on assault rifles and say, "well not every individual can have his own nuclear weapons" etc, etc...

I'm sorry but, when did the NRA say that? Or is this something you are assuming the NRA will do in the future?
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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2013, 10:20:12 AM »
I'm sorry but, when did the NRA say that? Or is this something you are assuming the NRA will do in the future?

of course the nra would not say it. i don't like to use the word "assumed" more like inferred or concluded based on an extremely large and complex set of observations and considerations

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Re: Gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting - Drugs
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2013, 10:24:46 AM »
of course the nra would not say it. i don't like to use the word "assumed" more like inferred or concluded based on an extremely large and complex set of observations and considerations

Ah, so there is no real proof that they have done it in the past or that they have said they will do it in the future. There are only complex sets of observations and considerations. I thought as much.
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