Author Topic: "No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO  (Read 617 times)

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Offline Every Jew AK47

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"No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO
« on: January 20, 2013, 04:32:51 AM »
This is a wonderful and thought-provoking video that was created by the organization named "Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership" or JPFO.  The organization is one of the leader pro-2A/RKBA gun right organizations in the USA and also a champion of firearm rights for Jewish people.   

The video has five parts to it.

I think anyone who sits down and watches it will feel very inspired and invigorated by the message, both historical and ethical being conveyed by the video.  It certainly has given me a new outlook on the whole understanding of the importance, through a Torah perspective of why owning guns is so essential for the Jewish people.  Well, for all people, but especially the Jews, who were victims of disarmament and a subsequent holocaust.  The video also explains why so many Jewish people are repulsed by guns due to brainwashing received from years of suffering from oppression and tyranny.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

This week was very sad for our Jewish brothers in New York, as Governor Cuomo passed unconstitutional legislation that will result in the use of a majority of semi auto handguns and rifles being illegal.  He made a ban on all magazines over 7 rounds, which was a clever way to ban guns, as very few semi auto guns accept magazines smaller then 10 rounds.   It is truly a sad day for New York, Americans and Jewish people.

A Rabbi named Ben Dory is interviewed throughout the video and actually uses the Torah and Talmud to explain the necessity of gun ownership and the importance of the 2nd Amendment and the need of all Jewish people to defend themselves.  I think you may find his explanations interesting and insightful.

I would encourage people to send these videos to any other people you think may be interested.
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Re: "No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 06:52:50 AM »
I watched the first two videos in the series and found them to be very good... I plan to watch the other parts later in the day when I have more time... It's a must see for people that favor the sort of legislation coming out of Albany last week...
This week was very sad for our Jewish brothers in New York, as Governor Cuomo passed unconstitutional legislation that will result in the use of a majority of semi auto handguns and rifles being illegal.  He made a ban on all magazines over 7 rounds, which was a clever way to ban guns, as very few semi auto guns accept magazines smaller then 10 rounds.   It is truly a sad day for New York, Americans and Jewish people.
What makes the construction of some guns unable to accept smaller magazines? In a way it sounds almost pointless to have a gun like this and be limited to 7 rounds however it is still easier to reload a gun with  loaded magazines rather than loose ammunition...  Would it be possible for a manufacture to come up with a modified 7 round magazines for guns like this?
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: "No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 03:29:14 PM »
In a way it sounds almost pointless to have a gun like this and be limited to 7 rounds however it is still easier to reload a gun with  loaded magazines rather than loose ammunition...  Would it be possible for a manufacture to come up with a modified 7 round magazines for guns like this?

Some of the larger manufacturers, like Glock, S&W, Ruger, Sig may come out with these 7 round magazines.  Although, even that is not for sure.  But there are many other types of guns, where it would be impractical to manufacture these type of magazines specifically for people in one state.  It is unlikely many other states will follow through with a ban like this, so most likely, even if the larger manufacturers did manufacture these type of magazines, they would not be in large quantity or easy to acquire.  Basically, a large number of semi auto handguns will be inoperable, as there would either be no magazines

This also extends past just handguns, even old time war rifles, like M1A, which accept 8 round clips can no longer be used in the state of New York, as there is no way to modify the size of the clips to be legal under the law.   Even the Ruger 10/22 will no longer be legal in New York for some time, as they ship with a factory 10rd mag.  That means Ruger will have to manufacture a special Ruger 10/22 for the state of New York alone.  All private sales and online sales are now illegal, so you can only purchase these items from a local store, which makes them even harder to acquire, especially people in areas where there is not an abundance of outdoor or gun stores.   

I'm glad you found the videos inspiring.. Hope you and others can watch the others.  The videos are not only educational about gun rights, relating to the Jewish people, but teaches us history about tyrannical governments and the dangers of disarming any group of people in a country.
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: "No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 03:50:12 PM »
These videos are very valuable for everyone to see.   I have been putting the name of the book How do you kill 11, 283,000 people on the different websites.  by Andy Andrews. it is an easy truthful book to read gets to the point.  They are lied to.... p23 says: An intricate web of lies, to be delivered in stages, was designed to ensure the cooperation of the condemned, (but unknowing Jews) by Eichmann. History repeats many times does man have to be shocked before he comes out of his apathetic state?  Are we headed for this in America...First the Saturday People, Then the Sunday People? Does it matter that millions of ordinary citizens have checked out of participating in the decisions that shape the future of our country?  Which is more dangerous: politicians with ill intent, or the too-trusting population that allows such people to lead them?

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Re: "No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 08:22:22 PM »
I have had Jewish friends stop being my friend because of this very issue.  And do you know what turned them specifically in favor of not continuing the friendship??????

It was that Jews in particular have a reason to be in favor of the right to bear arms.  THAT was intolerable to them.  Yes, other people should not own guns and there should be 3 reams of paper filled with restrictions, but the idea that Jews SHOULD maintain their right to bear arms (specifically) was THE CARDINAL OFFENSE to these folks

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Re: "No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 08:34:22 PM »
I posted the following 're-post' of an article by Rav Bar Tzadok concerning a Jews obligation to own a fire-arm...

I will repost it below:,52406.msg492218.html#msg492218

The Obligation To Bear Arms
Not Just A Right, But A Responsibility

by Ariel Bar Tzadok

Copyright © 2011 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.

Biblical scripture is clear that the Children of Israel left their enslavement in Egypt armed and ready for battle as it is written, “And the children of Israel were armed when they went up out of Egypt” (Exodus 13:18). Although scripture records that G-d used a miracle to wipe out Pharaoh's pursuing army at the Red Sea, nevertheless, days later the people were attacked by their ruthless enemy Amalek.

When Amalek attacked, no lighting bolts struck them down from Heaven, no supernatural event occurred winning the battle for Israel even before the fight. No, scripture is clear, the Children of Israel, just recently released from slavery, possibly without any military training, were still expected to and required by the circumstances to go into battle and fight for their liberty and their lives.

G-d indeed blessed their endeavors. Still, if the Children of Israel did not go out and fight Amalek, they would have succumbed to their attackers and would have been killed. Indeed, if they had no tools for self defense, they would not have been able to fight. We must learn from these events some chilling and sobering facts. G-d wants us to be armed and indeed, G-d ordains circumstances where we are expected, if not required to fight. Freedom, it seems, only survives for those willing and able to fight for it.

Throughout  Biblical  times,  the  Children  of  Israel  were  certainly  no  strangers  to  either weaponry or to the use of them.  Both Moses and Joshua, directed by G-d and blessed by Him to wage war, still did not rely upon supernatural interventions to win their battles.  Each led the armies of Israel to wage war in real terms, with real weapons, and most certainly with real causalities.  Throughout the days of the Judges and Kings, warfare was the way of the Israelite people.  There is even scriptural suggestions of a possible martial arts system existing in those days, focusing on hand-to-hand combat and the use of specialized weapons (as was the case with David against Goliath). 

Aside from the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judah each having armies and soldiers, we see that even after the destruction of the First Temple during the time period referred to in the Biblical Book of Esther, the Jews of ancient Persia were able to rally against their enemies and vanquished tens of thousands of them using standard forms of warfare and combat. 

Later Jewish history speaks of the Maccabee wars against the Grecian/Syrians and the later Revolutionary War fought (and lost) against Rome.  Even after the destruction of the Second Temple, the martial spirit had not left Israel.  Just two generations after the Roman Wars, a new independence movement arose under a freedom fighter named Bar Kokhba.  He too failed to redeem Israel from Roman oppression, but nevertheless, the spirit of independence and the will to fight for it certainly did not die alongside his failed mission.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: "No Guns For Jews" Video By JPFO
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 10:01:58 PM »
Good post Muman.. I respect people like you and Rabbi Dovid Ben Dory who can use a halachic interpretation to help explain this very pressing issue.  Sadly, too many Jews today have adopted Passive Resistance and Amish/Quaker like theology rather than adopting the Jewish principles of self-defense and preparation.

Don't forget to mention King Dovid who was a mighty warrior.  The Israelite kingdom was founded and secured through the sword and bow!  BTW.. You can bet martial arts/fighting skills were very prevalent, as hand-to-hand combat was the norms in those days.  They have done studies showing how advanced the fighting systems were of these warriors back in ancient times.  Just the art of effectively using a sword and conditioning your body to swing it effectively takes a considerable amount of physical and mental training.  Also, being a skilled archer was a very rigorous form of training.  It took a considerable amount of strength and endurance to effectively pull the strong bows and shoot the heavy projectiles that were used in those days. 

Personally, considering we now have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the USA.. I think it is also a crime that any Jew doesn't own a firearm to protect not only his family, but other Jewish people.   Too many Jews think the government will save them. 

Sadly, I am starting to see even at my own synagogue how fearful of guns most people are..  I have even been labelled an extremist now for my views that everyone should be armed and trained.
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