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Inter-racial sex: what is your opinion?
--- Quote from: Carlyle on October 06, 2006, 05:32:21 AM ---Can you prove that? I bet you can't. Is there a statistic that would prove that blonde women have interracial relationships more often than other White women?
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I don't have any statistics because no one would ever dare undertake a serious scholarly investigation of miscegenation. So for me it is just an article of faith. But lots of others agree with me. I will see many inter-racial couples when I walk about the city and in the university campus, and the clear majority of ALL inter-racial couples involve a blonde female and a black man.
Inter-racial sex is not about freedom of choice for everyone, it is a form of humiliation and supremacism on the part of the blonde females who do it. These women parade their desire to eliminate the white race and shove it in our faces, and the law prohibits us from doing anything about it. Entire towns in the U.S. used to get burned to the ground by angry mobs of white males just because of RUMOURS of white abolitionist women meeting with manumitted black men in secret meeting-places. Today, white women are open about their desire to murder white males.
And I believe that all of this is of Satan, who, by proliferating diverse abominations on Earth, is accusing Mankind before G_d; and G-d will see what is happening and condemn the white race to oblivion. THerefore in my opinion, the Devil is using the white woman in his plot to reshape the world in the form of idolatry and sin-worship.
--- Quote from: Get thee hence Satan on October 06, 2006, 06:40:09 AM ---I don't have any statistics because no one would ever dare undertake a serious scholarly investigation of miscegenation. So for me it is just an article of faith. But lots of others agree with me. I will see many inter-racial couples when I walk about the city and in the university campus, and the clear majority of ALL inter-racial couples involve a blonde female and a black man.
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Maybe but there are many brown- or dark-haired White women in interracial relationships also. Many women bleach their hair. It isn't sensible to focus just on women with one hair color.
You are reasoning like Hitler. Hitler hated communists and because Jews were many times as likely to be communists as Gentiles Hitler began to hate all Jews. That isn't right.
--- Quote ---Inter-racial sex is not about freedom of choice for everyone, it is a form of humiliation and supremacism on the part of the blonde females who do it. These women parade their desire to eliminate the white race and shove it in our faces, and the law prohibits us from doing anything about it. Entire towns in the U.S. used to get burned to the ground by angry mobs of white males just because of RUMOURS of white abolitionist women meeting with manumitted black men in secret meeting-places. Today, white women are open about their desire to murder white males.
And I believe that all of this is of Satan, who, by proliferating diverse abominations on Earth, is accusing Mankind before G_d; and G-d will see what is happening and condemn the white race to oblivion. THerefore in my opinion, the Devil is using the white woman in his plot to reshape the world in the form of idolatry and sin-worship.
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White women didn't like black men in the beginning of 20th century. What caused them to change their opinion? The media, of course.
As I said,
"The "blacks-on-blondes" thing on media is just an invention of those media companies that seek to promote filth and immorality which shall surely destroy the White race and Western civilization. Who are the ones heading media companies hiring the blondes to do all those immoral things? Usually they are Jewish or White Gentile males. What is the race of Sumner Redstone, Rupert Murdoch and Michael Eisner? They are all Jews.
I'm just going to say it... this has gone TOO FAR.
This is so insane. The ONLY girls I know that are in mixed relationships all have brown hair. ALL of them... seriously. I know a few of them and they ALL have BROWN hair. There is no evidence what-so-ever that blondes prefer black men. Most blondes prefer white guys.
Almost every single white girl I know or have ever seen is with a white guy and even if one of them was with a black guy... then honestly... who cares? If an Ethiopian Jew married a European Jew... would G-d love them less? Come on... when we talk about blacks, we are talking about the majority who's culture is something hideous.
This is the most ridiculous and racist thread and a hair pigment means absolutely NOTHING. There are absolutely no reports of blonde haired women being ANY different than other hair colored women. Shame on you Get the hence for causing trouble on such a ridiculous topic.
I am just so surprised that this thread even exists. This is NOT a JTF issue... this is some really weird personal thing against blonde haired women (who most have died their hair blonde) OR it's Get the hence making fun of you people and you don't even see it. I don't trust him and sometimes I think he cannot be serious. Even his name is crazy since Jews don't believe in this kind of Satan.
his blonde thing has no basis in reality at all. Show me some statistics... show me where you get this insane idea from... prove to me that blonde women are evil. You should be ashamed of yourself.
--- Quote from: Carlyle on October 06, 2006, 07:23:13 AM ---
White women didn't like black men in the beginning of 20th century.
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