The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

How you can get Muslims to leave Islam

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Mein Koran:

--- Quote from: אפרים בן נח on January 30, 2013, 07:30:09 PM ---Could you talk alittle bit about sat*n being in the nostril of Muha*mad, if this is true.

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There are at least two authentic hadiths about this and many more weak and questionable hadiths on this topic. Muhammad said that when you wake up in the middle of the night you must wash the inside of your nose three times since satan lives there. This is probably something the pre-Islamic Arabs believed which he carried over

Binyamin Yisrael:

--- Quote from: Exmuslim on January 28, 2013, 09:31:57 AM ---2. They think Muhammad was mentioned by name in Songs of Solomon 5:16. This is not true. FIrst of all the context is whack, this chapter is talking about sexy people not prophets. Second Muslims will claim the -Im attached to the saidname is a plural of respect like queen elizabeth uses. The plural of respect is only used for God in the Tanakh.
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Song of Songs is not a love story. It is an allegory. The literal translation is false. That's why ArtScroll's translation is allegorical according to Rashi.

Mein Koran:

--- Quote from: Binyamin Yisrael on February 02, 2013, 02:14:06 PM ---

Song of Songs is not a love story. It is an allegory. The literal translation is false. That's why ArtScroll's translation is allegorical according to Rashi.

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Regardless, Muslims always try to show that there's "porn" in the bible and they always use Song of Songs to prove this. Why are they quoting a book they consider pornographic to show Muhammad?

Muhammad is not in there no matter what the meaning


this website. I would have trouble trusting ex muslims who have been raised and brought up with this primitive ideology their entire life though.


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