The peanut butter myth again. Peanut butter was made before Carver.
The truth is that peanut butter was made in various forms in Central America hundreds of years before Carver was ever born. If anyone could be called the “inventor” of peanut butter it would be the Aztec, Mayans, or one of the other cultures in that region. Several patents for commercial peanut butter making processes had already been filed long before Carver first experimented with a peanut.
Numerous commercially successful peanut butter making patents were filed by white Americans and at least one white Canadian in the 1880′s and 1890′s. One of the most important was by J.H. Kellog in 1897. J.H. Kellog has a cereal company named after him today. Carver filed his patent about ten years later and his process was never used in the commercial industry.