Save Western Civilization > Save America

Is The Constution Relevant?

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Ephraim Ben Noach:
If you do not believe in the Constitution, go live somewhere else!

You are thinking of indentured servants not slavery, a completely different thing.

Slavery was not a way to US citizenship, it was a death sentence on people kidnapped from their own land and forced to work till they dropped. If you disagree, find me the statutes that laid out a path to citizenship for all African slaves in 1790. Were the Jews in ancient Egypt just working their way up to citizenship too?

As for your comment that US citizens who do not think the Constitution is relevant to modern America should leave, you are reneging on the articles you claim to hold dear - freedom of speech for eg. Though given your replies so far I should not be surprised by your hypocrisy.

If you want a rational argument about this instead, please tell me why I should listen to slave owning rapists for my guidance on civil liberties and human rights.

Ephraim Ben Noach:
It was not that way in the beginning, so don't blame the founders of this great nation! Thank Blacks and Muslims for the slave trade.

What does that statement mean? There were over 200,000 recorded slaves brought from Africa before the Revolutionary War, a the population increased to over 4,000,000 by 1860. The facts do not support your statement as it is clear that slavery had a dramatic rise once independance was attained, and that slavery was part of the very foundation of America.

Do you disagree with the above facts? Do you disagree with the fact that the Founding Fathers were slave owners? Do you disagree with the genetic proof we have of them raping those slaves?

If you cannot engage with reality there seems little point debating with you.

Ephraim Ben Noach:
You don't want to debate! You want to trash America, Jews, and Torah! How can I say this nicely ... F U!


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