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Hamas Calls to Kidnap IDF Soldiers
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:01:15 PM »

The Hamas terror group, taking advantage of the rioting in Judea and Samaria, is calling on terrorists to kidnap IDF soldiers.

According to the Iranian Fars agency, senior Hamas leader Salah al-Bardawil urged terrorists participating in a rally in Gaza in protest of the death of a terrorist in Israeli custody to kidnap Israeli soldiers.

Hamas organized two huge rallies in Khan Younis and Rafah in southern Gaza to protest the death of 30-year-old Arafat Jaradat in the Meggido prison, according to Fars.

Addressing the rally in Khan Younis, al-Bardawil urged the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. The abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit led to the release of over 1,000 terrorists in 2011 in a prisoner swap deal between Hamas and Israel.

Al-Bardawil urged Egypt to show responsibility toward the prisoner exchange, which was brokered in Cairo, according to Fars.

"A new Palestinian Intifada is about to break out in support of prisoners," al-Bardawil said, urging all PA Arabs to join activities to support detainees.

He appealed to the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority to boycott public and secret negotiations with Israel in protest over Jaradat's death.

An autopsy conducted Sunday on Jaradat’s body found that it is impossible to determine the exact cause of his death.

The PA’s minister of prisoners, Issa Qaraqaa, nevertheless took advantage of the non-conclusive report to blame Israel for torturing Jaradat to death, citing the preliminary findings of the joint autopsy which reported bruises on Jaradat's body, muscle damage and broken ribs. Those, however, can be caused by resuscitation attempts, according to the autopsy.

Thousands took part on Monday in Jaradat’s funeral. The funeral was held at his village, Sa'ir, near Hevron.

At nearby Beit Anun, hundreds of Arabs gathered and hurled rocks at security forces who were on high alert during the funeral. The security forces countered the rioting with riot dispersal gear.

The United Nations, meanwhile, called on Monday for an independent inquiry into Jaradat’s death, warning that mounting tensions risk an eruption of violence in the region.

UN Middle East peace envoy Robert Serry made the call in a statement after talks with PA prime minister Salam Fayyad.

“The United Nations expects the autopsy to be followed by an independent and transparent investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Jaradat's death, the results of which should be made public as soon as possible,” said Serry.

Jaradat’s death is the latest excuse used by PA Arabs to justify their rioting. Last week they intensified the riots as a sign of solidarity with four terrorists who are serving time in Israeli prisons and who have gone on a hunger strike as a pressure tactic to get Israel to release them.

The four are Samer Issawi, Tareq Qaadan, Jafar Ezzedine and Ayman Sharawna. All four were released as part of the Shalit deal in 2011 but were rearrested after they violated the terms of their release.

Israel’s defense establishment said Friday that the prisoners currently on hunger strike in Israel were jailed for good reason. The reminder came in the wake of statements of concern from the United Nations and European Union.

An IDF general revealed Saturday that the Arab enemy's attempts to abduct Jews have reached unprecedented levels.

Major General Avi Mizrachi, who served as the Head of Central Command in 2009-2012, told Channel 2 television's Meet the Press, "Since November we have foiled 18 attempts by Hamas and Fatah men to abduct Israeli citizens." This number translates to a rough average of two abduction attempts per week.
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