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UK diplomat flees for his life from Birzeit University
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:52:48 PM »
UK diplomat flees protests at West Bank university

Consul-General Sir Vincent Fean was at Birzeit University to discuss UK policy on Mideast, left abruptly after protests erupted.
Vincent Fean was forced to flee Birzeit University near the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday, after student protests broke out.

The senior diplomat was at the university to discuss Britain's foreign policy in the Middle East, and to meet with Birzeit President Dr Khalil al-Hindi. But he cut short his visit and departed abruptly after the protests erupted. When students learned of Fean's presence on campus, they staged a protest outside the offices of the university administration, chanting nationalistic songs and anti-British slogans.

Dozens of students shouting, "Get out of Birzeit!" attacked Fean's car as it left the campus.

Protesters were also holding placards reading "I am a refugee because of Lord Balfour", Israel Radio reported.

Fean's "intention had been to engage in an open dialogue with the student community about the UK’s policies in the Middle East," the British Consulate-General said in a statement. A spokesman for the Consulate-General told The Jerusalem Post neither Fean nor his staff were injured in the incident, but damage was caused to his vehicle. 

"Sir Vincent had hoped to underline Britain’s deep commitment to the creation of a Palestinian state, and the urgency of progress on the peace process in 2013," the Consulate-General said, and adding that, “sadly, such a dialogue was not possible on this occasion."

In 2000, Palestinian students at Birzeit University attacked visiting then-French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, hurling stones at him and his entourage.

Dr. Ghassan Khatib, a senior Birzeit University official, denounced the attack on Fean as "unjustified."

Khatib pointed out that there had been a "relative improvement in Britain's positions regarding the Palestinian cause."

Khatib told the daily Al-Quds that the students could have protested in a "more civilized manner" and engaged in a rational debate with the British official.

"They should have respected him and listened to his lecture as he was our guest," Khatib, a former spokesman for the Palestinian Authority government in the West Bank said. "Instead, they acted in a way that harms both the students and the university."

But Kamal Assaf, chairman of the student council at Birzeit University, expressed support for the students' protest, saying it was a "required duty."

Assaf said that "Britain's colonialist policies stand with Israel and ignore our cause." He said that students representing all Palestinian factions participated in the protest.

Cynthia Morris • 6 hours ago
Lol! How's that Arab appeasement program coming, Britain?
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Kyle Broflovski  Cynthia Morris • 5 hours ago
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last"
Sir Winston Churchill
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jerrycollie  Kyle Broflovski • 2 hours ago
It is not necessary to out-run the crocodile, just out-run the man next to you.
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NechedYefuneh  Cynthia Morris • 2 hours ago
Oh, Britain will find a way to "understand" the student's predicament...
"intention had been to engage in an open dialogue with the student community about the UK’s policies in the Middle East" - this only confirms the saying, "he who bows to the oppressor exposes his own behind to the oppressed".
England, the UK (to include vicious Ireland), EU(nuchs) - they-will-never-learn!
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Nadav1 • 6 hours ago
hahahaha! Actually, this would be hilarious, the irony is too much, but then again, I am sure the British will find a way to blame "The Jews" as MP Ward said, for this humiliation!
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Shel_Zahav • 6 hours ago
Democracy and the free flow of ideas reign at Bir Zeit.
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semsem5 • 5 hours ago
And 80,000 Egyptian Jews are refugees because of King Farouk and Abdel Gamal Nasser as well as 900,000 other Jews who resided in Arab countries in 1948 and were forced to flee.

We don't attack anybody. We move on with our lives. That's the difference between us and the Palestinians.

This is more evidence that Peace with the Arabs is impossible and a complete waste of time.

In addition we all know that Britain has always supported the Arabs. They can check with Queen Elizabeth II who boycotts Israel and with Lady Ashton.
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Shel_Zahav • 6 hours ago
Hey, a little ethnic cleansing is good for the soul. Where is the Airhead of Lewiston? Where is Nutallie.
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montbrun • 6 hours ago
It couldn't happen to anybody better...!!!!
Whoever plants winds, harvests storms and the past, present and future Middle East conflicts, mainly what is happening between so called "Palis" and Israelis, is nobody's fault but British...!!!!!
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Scott3636 • 5 hours ago
How is that 100s of millions you invested in the "Palestinians" working out for ya, Britain?
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iCry • 5 hours ago
How many Jews could have survived the Holocaust but for the White Paper?

The Arab in the piece blames Balfour for their status.

The British reneged on the Balfour Declaration in every way, shape and form. They betrayed the Jews almost immediately. The have supported the Arabs near absolutely.

Still here is where an Arab and a Jew make common cause. I too despise the British. But for me it is because I know the reality of their perfidious behavior.

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Ken Kelso  iCry • 15 minutes ago
Exactly, the British never gave an inch of land to the Jews, but the Brits gave 75% of the 1917 Mandate borders to the Arabs in 1922 and named the country after the Jordan River. (Jordan)
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iCry • 5 hours ago
They must be doing something wrong, a Century of groveling before the Arabs at the expense of the Jews has been insufficient.

To find a solution, high level discussions going on at the Foreign Office to come up with ideas on how to more forcefully blame Israel and the "settlements" for Arabs attacking British diplomats.

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Joshua Seidel • 5 hours ago
My God, what stupid savages. Don't they know the UK supports them?
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lusag  Joshua Seidel • 2 hours ago
A good palestinians is the dead one
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Poupic • 4 hours ago
Bir Zeit suffers from too much Fantazia. They believe the fantasies they created! It is very funny to see that they think Britain is in Israel’s side. Balfour was just a declaration, nothing more. In fact Britain did everything possible for Israel not to exist and now is way on the side of Arab terror aiming to destroy Israel. Let’s enjoy this attack of stupidity not un common in Nablus.
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The Lone Ranger • 6 hours ago
Another peaceful Arab protest!

I wonder how the Muslim loving leftists who reside in the UK feel about the Arabs now, or will they also protest the UK diplomat o his return to the UK!

How long will it be before the Arabs lose all of their supporters?

Being an Arab supporter is like owning a pit bull, They are fine as long as you keep them muzzled and don't ever fully trust them!
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Kyle Broflovski  The Lone Ranger • 5 hours ago
Being an Arab supporter is more like owning a crocodile....
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lnfidel  The Lone Ranger • 5 hours ago
The Islam-marinated lefties in Britain are usually so far gone beyond reason, that their reaction will be to mollycoddle the perpetually outraged hatebeards even more frenziedly.
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stardhead • 5 hours ago
At least thats one thing we and the Palestians have in common we hate the British. LOL
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Abelardy • 4 hours ago
The Brit comes to kiss Arab tuchas at Bir Zeit, and gets his own kicked. ROTFLMAO.
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faboutlaws • 4 hours ago
Fean should be thankful this happened today and not after Friday prayers.
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Loren Griffith • 2 hours ago
None of the usual gang of 'Palestine supporters' are saying a word. I wonder why?

Too bad they didn't get him. Heck if they had it might even make the news on the BBC - oh wait that would be Islamophobic to mention that. Maybe if they blamed the Jews for it the BBC might say something
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jerrycollie • 2 hours ago
So maybe now Fean understands the difficulty of talking with the Pals.
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alex boston • 3 hours ago
Congrats, Sir. You are one lucky dude to get out in one piece using your own legs as oppose to in a plastic bag.
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jerrycollie  alex boston • 2 hours ago
Yes, next time dial the IDF and we will come save your sorry [censored].
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José Pedro • 4 hours ago
Today is a great day, antisemitic chavez pig is dying from grave infection. Another antisemite being humiliated by their proteges !!! Incredible day !Thank God !
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margaret benjamin • 5 hours ago
My grandmother was jewish and lived in Manchester were we moved to Chester. We have large Jewish communities So are you ready to blame everyone who comes from the UK? We spend many hours fighting anti Semitism without Israeli Jews blaming everyone,
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Jake  margaret benjamin • 5 hours ago
Who is blaming whom? Did you even bother to read the article?
It says the British diplomat was harrassed and abused by palestinian Arab protesters, not by Israeli Jews.
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The Lone Ranger  Jake • 2 hours ago

I think that Margaret feels offended at so many responses that seem to blame Britain for appeasement towards the Arabs!

It is true that there are many anti-Semites in England, but there are also a great many friends of Israel in England.

Margaret is definitely a friend of the Jews and of Israel, and we must not be insensitive to the fact that she is from Britain!
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honandal  Jake • 4 hours ago
I think she did. She was commenting on the responses on this website.
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DetroitVoice  honandal • 2 hours ago
You actually understood her garbled message?
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margaret benjamin  Jake • 17 minutes ago
Yes I know what it says smart [censored]
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The Lone Ranger  margaret benjamin • 2 hours ago
Margaret, we are not blaming everyone in Great Britain for being anti-Semitic. It is unfortunate that Great Britain, like so many other European countries have so many anti-Semites, but we know that not all Europeans are anti-Semitic!

We certainly know that you are not anti-Semitic and we all thank you for your support. You do honor to your Grandmother and all of your ancestors!

Thank you Margaret.
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Guest • an hour ago
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last."
-Winston Churchill
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jerrycollie • 2 hours ago
Next, British PM Neville Chamberlain will arrive to appease the Pals; and secure peace for our time.
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Ken Kelso  jerrycollie • 14 minutes ago
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Ruvane • 3 hours ago
wonderful sight the obnoxious Englishman being chased by crazy Arabs poetry in motion
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Cy • 4 hours ago
The real question is to where did he flee? Jerusalem? That would be wildly ironic.
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jerrycollie  Cy • 31 minutes ago
Where else would he be safe?
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nood2  Cy • an hour ago
Well where else would he go to be safe?
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José Pedro • 4 hours ago
Nice protesters.
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Natallie Durson • 4 hours ago
The UK, like the American government, tolerates all manner of outrages by Israel and yet they do nothing. They tolerate the occupation and the oppression of the Palestinian people by Israel and silently accept it as the status quo. As the saying goes, all that is required for tyranny to triumph is for good men to do nothing. This sums up the UK attitude toward the Palestine/Israel issue.
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KarayOfCrimea  Natallie Durson • 3 hours ago
So what would you like UK to do. Declare war to Israel, somehow manage to invade her then leave it to the Arabs to first kill all the Jews and when they run out of them to murder, then slaughter each other like they do it all over the Middle East? Dream on!
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José Pedro  Natallie Durson • 4 hours ago
whatsever nazzilie.
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alterken  Natallie Durson • 3 hours ago
No brain Natallie at it again, if she knew anything about the U.K. she would know that London is not called Londonstan for nothing, a massive mosque in the centre of London, the Edgware road resembling the casbah, and the Casinos and Harrods colonised by the tea towel and the Burka brigade, G.B. is a home from home for them.
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Loren Griffith  Natallie Durson • 2 hours ago
No comment on Arab actions I see. Only bogus moronic statements that have been long proven to be lies
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nood2  Natallie Durson • 3 hours ago
Ok Nat, what is your solution in the Palestinian Israeli conflict?--Please please tell us
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jerrycollie  nood2 • 2 hours ago
Her solution is the right of return.
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nood2  jerrycollie • 2 hours ago −
Did anyone ever tell her THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN???
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Re: UK diplomat flees for his life from Birzeit University
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2013, 09:27:08 PM »
As Rabbi Kahane said, the Arabs are eternal malcontents.  They're never satisfied no matter what you do for them.  Those cockroaches at that so-called university are a perfect example.