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Hi from California

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Hi JTF and everyone here is a little information about myself my politics, my religion and who I support. I found the JTF on "Youtube" I really enjoy you're videos thank you for them. Also I noticed you guys expose those Sabbatean self-hateing Jews such as Hillary "rodenhurst" Clinton and John "Cohen" Kerry those are all fake Jews kissing the Black Popes ass. Anyways keep up the good work JTF its to bad that we are in the minority vs this papal whorde and there muslim minions.

I am American

I am a Racial & Religious seperatist (non-hater of Any Peoples of Color or Religion)

I am a pro white Scotch-Irish,Anglo Saxon;Pro Protestant American freeman Citizen of the Pre-Fourteenth Amendment USA

I am a Jeffersonian/Jacksonian Democrat/Paleo-Libertarian and States Rights Constitutional Seperatist and

I am a defender of Israel & the true Jews Hebrew/Jewish/Isrealitic Descendants of Abraham

I believe in the AVKingJames1611 and not the Catholic doctrine I am a ex-Catholic

I am

Anti-"US" "14th amendment" Roman-Jesuit empire *founded 1868*
Anti-Cartel Capitalist
Anti-New Age/Dark age
Anti-New World Order/Globalism
Anti-Opus Dei
Anti-SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta which use to be Knights of Templer)

I do not hate Catholics but I do hate there secret societies such as the Jesuits,SMOM,Opus Dei who are destroying Israel & USA the Opus Dei (which preforms self-mutilation like there muslim friends)

Shimon Peres is a devious Jesuit agent trained at Aspen he is the one who killed Sharon I heard Sharon is not well liked in Israel but there has to be a reason for his murder.

There is a great Jewish researcher in Israel named Barry Chamish who exposes these papal criminals who have infiltrated Israel & America.

I believe America and Israel will be the last strongholds left in the whole western world when the Jesuits launch there Sino-Muslim-Mexican-Roman Catholic invasion

Also I currently go to another forum but I dont know if im allowed to post links


Hail Columbia:
Welcome to the board.  I agree with quite some of what you have said, and judging by that, do you believe that the wrong side won the Civil War?


--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on July 13, 2007, 11:37:00 PM ---Welcome to the board.  I agree with quite some of what you have said, and judging by that, do you believe that the wrong side won the Civil War?

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As for the civil war goes, I believe that war was not necessary to save America. Based on my research all Lincoln had to do was let them succeed then make a economic deal with them. I believe that is the reason why Lincoln was killed is he wanted to reach a deal with them.

I sympathize with the southern side because the Northern side had tyrants who were Jesuit connected such as General Sherman who burned down peoples farms and destroyed there towns. Both sides had Jesuit connections Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis where both sell outs. So really to answer you're question I can't say I support either side I just respect the southern side more.

The civil war in my view was created to destroy America which in terms has worked ever since 1868 America has gone down hill.

Welcome Matheis


--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on July 13, 2007, 11:37:00 PM ---Welcome to the board.  I agree with quite some of what you have said, and judging by that, do you believe that the wrong side won the Civil War?

--- End quote ---
Why do you think thet now america was in better situation if the other side, CSA won the Civil War ?

Welcome, Matheis .

What is Opus Dei ?


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