Author Topic: Chief Turk objects to lesbian couple adopting dutch baby of of muslimic descent  (Read 757 times)

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Erdogan: Gays ‘contrary to Islam’
03/26/2013 22:16
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Speaking in the Netherlands, Turkish PM fiercely objected to Dutch lesbian couple adopting a nine-year-old Turkish boy.
Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.
Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. Photo: REUTERS/Stringer
BERLIN – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called homosexuality a “sexual preference” and said it conflicted with the “culture of Islam,” according to a report last week in the Turkish daily Hürriyet.

The remarks rapidly became the subject of criticism on Monday in a widely read European gay media outlet.

Speaking in the Netherlands on Thursday, Erdogan fiercely objected to a Dutch lesbian couple adopting a nine-year-old Turkish boy named Yunus.

“We should hand over Yunus to secure hands. If we say ‘a six-month child cannot make such a decision so it is the judiciary who decides,’ then this could lead to us to a big mistake,” he said in the presence of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

The Dutch leader said the adoption dispute was an internal domestic matter.

According to Hürriyet, Yunus is a Dutch citizen and “was adopted by the Hague-based couple when he was a baby, but his biological mother told Dutch public broadcaster NOS that she wanted him back.”

On Monday, the German language – an online news site covering gay issues – stated that Turkey had long been criticized because its conservative government consciously allowed discrimination against homosexuals. The website wrote that the European committee for social rights had criticized Turkey’s government over the last few months for failing “to adequately protect people based on sexual orientation.”

According to, the authorities removed Yunus as a young child from his violent family. However, his biological mother demanded on Turkish television as well that Yunus be returned to her. On the television station, which Erodgan’s stepson runs, the program accused the Netherlands of “child abuse.”

As a result of threats, the lesbian couple has gone into hiding.

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The story is like this:

Homosexual animals adopting a Muslim boy who was beaten up every day by his Muslim parents, like it is a custom in Islam.

Now the leftists animals in charge have a difficult question to answer.

The boy will get something on the behind if he stays with his abusing parents, like he will get damaged seriously in his mental health if he stays with his homosexual adopting parents.

The Turkish Nazi in charge Erdogan who has earned his title well, like we all know, intervenes for the abusing parents.

How they will decide? For the customs of the heathens or for the evil of the abusers?

And it is very characteristic that nobody asks for the well beeing of the boy.

He is sacrificed on the altar of diversity. This is the nature of our states and its leaders.
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