Author Topic: Kids spy on cabbies in sex-scandal crackdown  (Read 444 times)

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Kids spy on cabbies in sex-scandal crackdown
« on: March 28, 2013, 06:13:49 PM »

This filthy, Islamic, grooming cabby drivers should be hanged one by one!

The teenagers are looking for ‘inappropriate behaviour,' as part of a crackdown by Rochdale council after the conviction of nine men last year for offences such as rape and sexual activity with a child

Teenagers are being asked to spy on taxi drivers in Rochdale in a bid to avoid a repeat of the child sex ring scandal.

The young ‘mystery shoppers’ are being asked by council officials to catch taxi rides – in a bid to root out ‘inappropriate behaviour’ by potential sex abuser cabbies. It is part of a crackdown by Rochdale council on cab drivers and takeaway workers in the town following the conviction of nine men last year for offences including rape and sexual activity with a child.

Two of the nine men convicted of exploiting girls as young as 13 – often plying them with drink and drugs before passing them round for sex – were taxi drivers, while another two worked in a takeaway.

It is understood that licensing officials have been recruiting the teenagers from outside Rochdale – in a bid to ensure there are no recriminations for their participation in the scheme.

The council stresses that the checks are not aimed at ‘entrapping’ cabbies but are to ensure they are complying with their licences – for example by displaying their badges clearly.

Similar checks using teenagers are carried out at off-licences and newsagents that sell cigarettes to combat sales to under-age children.

But the youngsters are also being asked to listen out for any ‘inappropriate behaviour or language’ used by cabbies and take-away workers – who could have their licences taken away and be reported to the police if they show predatory behaviour.

The intelligence-gathering youngsters will pass on any concerns to the licensing authority who will work with the police on any further action.

A report into failings at Rochdale council’s children’s department – whose chief executive has already resigned – is expected shortly after Easter.

The town hall says that many improvements have already been put in place – and that they are even giving advice to other councils about keeping kids safe.

Town halls including Oxford – where a child sex ring was exposed last year – are believed to be among those to have sought guidance.

Rochdale council leader Colin Lambert said: “All aspects of the safety of adults and children will be explored within the borough and that includes ensuring the safety of those who use private hire or licensed taxis, food outlets or other premises.

“Where we have evidence of inappropriate behaviour we will act on it. And it is essential that badges are displayed at all times – there is no excuse.

“Rochdale has been at the forefront of rooting out abuse and exploitation of children and of course we have shared that good practice with other bodies. Everyone from the deputy children’s commissioner down has said this is not just a Rochdale issue, but a national issue.”
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