Author Topic: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio  (Read 6811 times)

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Offline ScotcH

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Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« on: June 24, 2007, 09:30:29 AM »
This Monstrous BABOON Rapist Cop in Ohio fornicates with a White Woman then kills her in front of Their Coloured Child !

Back in the pre-Afirmative Action days this CREATURE would have been an ornament on the Local Tree in the Center of Town !
White men are losing their Resolve and will soon lose their Women and their Country to BLACK GENIUS BABOONS once not even allowed out of Chains !!
KING KONG strikes Again !  ;D :o

Whatever shall WE DO ??  :P

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2007, 09:41:33 AM »
He would have been an ornament on a tree the second he was found in the company of that woman in the days before affirmative action.

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2007, 09:42:06 AM »
Whatever shall WE DO ??  

Pick one;

Offline cjd

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2007, 09:46:16 AM »
This Monstrous BABOON Rapist Cop in Ohio fornicates with a White Woman then kills her in front of Their Coloured Child !

Back in the pre-Afirmative Action days this CREATURE would have been an ornament on the Local Tree in the Center of Town !
White men are losing their Resolve and will soon lose their Women and their Country to BLACK GENIUS BABOONS once not even allowed out of Chains !!
KING KONG strikes Again !  ;D :o

Whatever shall WE DO ??  :P
Yes this is very sad. The poor child must have been a witness to the whole thing because he told law enforcement that his momma was in the rug. This is why I honestly feel that interracial relationships are almost never good. It seems like the white partner always get the raw end of the deal. And the offsprings of relationships like this saddled by baggage at birth only accumulate more because of horrendous life styles that they get exposed to.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline ScotcH

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2007, 10:36:16 AM »
Yes this is very sad. The poor child must have been a witness to the whole thing because he told law enforcement that his momma was in the rug. This is why I honestly feel that interracial relationships are almost never good. It seems like the white partner always get the raw end of the deal. And the offsprings of relationships like this saddled by baggage at birth only accumulate more because of horrendous life styles that they get exposed to.

Yes ... White Women Who Swing With APES Is Indeed A Sorry Sight !  ;D   ::)

Offline fjack

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2007, 11:23:38 AM »
I have been following this story for a while. This affrimative action cop was kicked off the force for lending his drug dealing cousin his gun and his car. The cousin was picked up and they fired this moron idiot low IQ cop. Along comes the usual suspects, the national association for the advancement of criminals people, the american criminals liberty union and the rest of the 'black clergy' who made the police department cower and so this idiot is back on the force. This impregnator has a history of violence with the other white slut he knocked up, (he didn't get a chance to kill her yet, he probably will we he gets paroled and is made police chief). He has a string of little half low IQ niglets all over the place (that we white posters will be forced to take care of now). There is suspicion that another girlfriend, this one may be a black whore, helped him kill the white slut self hater. Since, what I have gathered, the little half niglet that was in the house didn't finger big daddie, the cops are thinking that this other whore helped him. I am sure that this negro is the victim of racism and that he suffers from 'post trumatic slave syndrome'. (google post trumatic slave sydrome if you want to have a good laugh at black psychology). One thing that we can be happy about, that growth that was inside the whore will not have to be taken care of by us. Mark my words, the black establishment will come to the aid of this killer and start blaming the victim I for one could care less about this slut. I saw her mother and I would bet my bottom dollar that she is also a slut.

Offline ScotcH

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2007, 11:41:36 AM »
Yes ... I do understand your frustration ... great stuff ... but we must recall after all she is a White Lady and give her the benefit of the doubt that she was RAPED by this BABOON...Twice ??  ???... Nah most likely a Whore !!  As they say "rape me once, shame on the BABOON, rape me twice, shame on my Low IQ" :-*

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2007, 11:49:46 AM »
Yes this is very sad. The poor child must have been a witness to the whole thing because he told law enforcement that his momma was in the rug. This is why I honestly feel that interracial relationships are almost never good. It seems like the white partner always get the raw end of the deal. And the offsprings of relationships like this saddled by baggage at birth only accumulate more because of horrendous life styles that they get exposed to.

Yes ... White Women Who Swing With APES Is Indeed A Sorry Sight !  ;D   ::)
Sad to say but she got what she deserved, lets face it she knew his past that he had a few kids with other women and the trouble he was in.  She was lower then the him, but it's just a shame that the little kid had to see everything.


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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2007, 12:50:00 PM »
These self-hating white sluts abandon their people, faith and culture to hitch their wagon to turd world inferiority. They deserve everything they get!!

Offline ScotcH

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2007, 01:53:20 PM »
Most of these BABOON families in Ohio are descendants of runaway contraband, "put a dent in the white man's earnings" Criminals.  They have escaped the Ohio River which is the border of the ol' Mason-Dixon Line and found freedom... "I'se Free Now...MMM HMMM...Now I'se go on Wellfair and live off Whitey...MMMHMMMM" ;D

Now we've gone from this erratic Brazen behavior to Coloured BABOONS killing Whitey's Woman !!!
Where has the time gone !!!
It's time to stop pretending we don't see what's right if front of us ... It's ALL for one, one for ALL !!!


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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2007, 06:40:16 PM »
Yes this is very sad. The poor child must have been a witness to the whole thing because he told law enforcement that his momma was in the rug. This is why I honestly feel that interracial relationships are almost never good. It seems like the white partner always get the raw end of the deal. And the offsprings of relationships like this saddled by baggage at birth only accumulate more because of horrendous life styles that they get exposed to.

Yes ... White Women Who Swing With APES Is Indeed A Sorry Sight !  ;D   ::)
Sad to say but she got what she deserved, lets face it she knew his past that he had a few kids with other women and the trouble he was in.  She was lower then the him, but it's just a shame that the little kid had to see everything.
How could you say something like that, JB? No one who is murdered deserves to be killed.

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2007, 07:40:08 PM »
Yes this is very sad. The poor child must have been a witness to the whole thing because he told law enforcement that his momma was in the rug. This is why I honestly feel that interracial relationships are almost never good. It seems like the white partner always get the raw end of the deal. And the offsprings of relationships like this saddled by baggage at birth only accumulate more because of horrendous life styles that they get exposed to.

Yes ... White Women Who Swing With APES Is Indeed A Sorry Sight !  ;D   ::)
Sad to say but she got what she deserved, lets face it she knew his past that he had a few kids with other women and the trouble he was in.  She was lower then the him, but it's just a shame that the little kid had to see everything.
How could you say something like that, JB? No one who is murdered deserves to be killed.
Everyone deserves something, don't they?

Offline nessuno

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2007, 08:22:24 PM »
I agree that is was very sad that she and her unborn child were murdered.
I feel very bad for the little boy who most likely witnessed it all.  

The truth is that the choices we make in life do come with consequences.
She reaped the consequences of her actions - I just feel very sorry for all those left behind.  Especially for the little boy who's last time seeing his Mother was her dead body wrapped up in a rug.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 09:44:53 AM by bullcat3 »
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2007, 09:58:43 PM »
I agree that is was very sad that she and her unborn child were murdered.
I feel very bad for the little boy who most likely witnessed it all.  

The truth is that the choices we make in life do come with consequences.
She reaped the consequences of her actions - I'm just feel very sorry for all those left behind.  Especially for the little boy who's last time seeing his Mother was her dead body wrapped up in a rug.
So you're saying that she knew that she'd die at the hands of the 'black guy' so she went with him anyway?

Offline nessuno

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2007, 10:07:53 PM »
From what has been reported, everywhere in the media, he was not a man with outstanding character.
The old saying goes - Lie down with dogs and you get fleas.
So she may not have known she would be murdered but I don't think he was the best choice she could have made.
Good Night - Imerica.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2007, 10:11:31 PM »
From what has been reported, everywhere in the media, he was not a man with outstanding character.
The old saying goes - Lie down with dogs and you get fleas.
So she may not have known she would be murdered but I don't think he was the best choice she could have made.
Good Night - Imerica.

Goodnight to you also.
If his past was supposedly behind him when she became his girlfriend, I'd understand forgiving that part. But if it continued and I knew about it, I'm a fool for staying and not only for the "I'll be killed" aspect. Some females should be born with "Loser Radar".

Offline fjack

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2007, 06:25:49 AM »
The story is unfolding exactly as I said in my previous post. Once again O J itis has struck. It would have been so funny if this white slut had a blonde wig with plastic breasts. As I said before, every black male is a potential OJ. When the rage builds up in them, they will kill. However, don't fear, help is on the way. A lawyer will say that this slut provoked him and that he was so hurt and frustrated that the only way out for a member of his species was to kill. He was only acting out to save is dignity. He is a strong black man who goes to church, worships at the altar of michael lucifer king, rides the bus in honor of rosa, has a watercolor picture of the mother wheel, is a member of rainbow push, and watches oprah. An all black jury will be put in charge of weighing all the evidence, a token black lawyer will plead the case in the old baptist preacher style, paula zahn will get this case 'out in the open', the view will say this is a sham for all and that he should be let go to pursue his dreams of a communtiy activist and democratic spokesmen while being a part time minister. The jury will acquite him and he will help his role model, OJ, search for the real killers. There will be more events, such as this murder that will happen over and over. There will be more africanus criminalis made affrimative action cops who are not capable of even being street cleaners, and we will be forced by a traitorous, criminal congress to watch as this orgy of white killing goes on and on, unabated, coming to an area near you. We are doomed unless a firm action is taken. White groups should form and target these traitors in congress at the next election. Serious discussions should take place as to find a solution to the negro and brown problem. The repeal of the 13,14 and 15 th amendments must be past and the complete removal of all blacks from the armed forces, civil service and other vital institutions must take place. A list should be made of all negro and mexican lovers as to identify them so we can avoid any contact with them. The time is now, I strongly urge you to watch 'The Birh of a Nation', this tells the truth of what to expect if we let things get out of hand. Any white parent that does not show this film to their young children once a month should be charged with child abuse. The time is now, we are at the crossroads, it is us or them. Don't fire till you see the malt liquor in their hands. From the front, fjack,


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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2007, 07:24:42 AM »
The story is unfolding exactly as I said in my previous post. Once again O J itis has struck. It would have been so funny if this white slut had a blonde wig with plastic breasts. As I said before, every black male is a potential OJ. When the rage builds up in them, they will kill. However, don't fear, help is on the way. A lawyer will say that this slut provoked him and that he was so hurt and frustrated that the only way out for a member of his species was to kill. He was only acting out to save is dignity. He is a strong black man who goes to church, worships at the altar of michael lucifer king, rides the bus in honor of rosa, has a watercolor picture of the mother wheel, is a member of rainbow push, and watches oprah. An all black jury will be put in charge of weighing all the evidence, a token black lawyer will plead the case in the old baptist preacher style, paula zahn will get this case 'out in the open', the view will say this is a sham for all and that he should be let go to pursue his dreams of a communtiy activist and democratic spokesmen while being a part time minister. The jury will acquite him and he will help his role model, OJ, search for the real killers. There will be more events, such as this murder that will happen over and over. There will be more africanus criminalis made affrimative action cops who are not capable of even being street cleaners, and we will be forced by a traitorous, criminal congress to watch as this orgy of white killing goes on and on, unabated, coming to an area near you. We are doomed unless a firm action is taken. White groups should form and target these traitors in congress at the next election. Serious discussions should take place as to find a solution to the negro and brown problem. The repeal of the 13,14 and 15 th amendments must be past and the complete removal of all blacks from the armed forces, civil service and other vital institutions must take place. A list should be made of all negro and mexican lovers as to identify them so we can avoid any contact with them. The time is now, I strongly urge you to watch 'The Birh of a Nation', this tells the truth of what to expect if we let things get out of hand. Any white parent that does not show this film to their young children once a month should be charged with child abuse. The time is now, we are at the crossroads, it is us or them. Don't fire till you see the malt liquor in their hands. From the front, fjack,

100% correct, fjack. 

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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2007, 12:56:35 AM »
White Women should never be desperate enough to head to the Jungle for intimacy ! 

This is demoralizing to our families !
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Re: Afirmative Action Cop kills White Lady in Ohio
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2007, 12:42:12 PM »
Sad to say but she got what she deserved, lets face it she knew his past that he had a few kids with other women and the trouble he was in.  She was lower then the him, but it's just a shame that the little kid had to see everything.
Now this is a horrible thing to say and I am disgusted. The poor lady was stupid but how in the world does that mean she deserves a horrible death?

That is a vile thing to say.