Today, April 8, is 4 years since Birkat HaChama and 24 years to the next one. This is the first time in 4 years that Tekufat Nissan fell at 6:00 P.M. the evening before April 8 since 2009. It won't do so again on Tuesday Night until 2037, the day after the 8th Day of Passover.
I remember in 2009, I was thinking of things half a solar cycle ago (14 years). Now that's 18 years and I was watching old music videos on YouTube from back then when I was 13. Tekufat Nissan is like a time capsule that makes you reflect to the past.
The Sun is now 206 cycles and 4 years old since Creation on 4 Nissan, 1 Anno Mundo: 5,772 years.