Author Topic: Dr. Ben Carson mocked by leftists but leftist Pastor applauded by leftists  (Read 550 times)

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Dr. Ben Carson, liberals and the fear of success   video of Dr.Carson and clown who mocks him with link

By Cal Thomas

Published April 02, 2013

        Dr. Ben Carson responds to the 'left's intolerance'
        Dr. Ben Carson on commencement controversy
        Dr. Ben Carson on personal attacks, family crisis in...

There are many successful liberals, so why do so many of them wish to subsidize failure for the poor, instead of showing them how to succeed?

Take Dr. Ben Carson, as one example. Dr. Carson, the renowned neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md., is enjoying a certain amount of celebrity unrelated to his profession for speaking his mind about how individuals and the nation might succeed if more Americans were less dependent on government.

Dr. Carson, who is African-American, has been denounced as insufficiently black because he won't toe the liberal line when it comes to big government and the implication that those in the African-American voting bloc, huge supporters of the Democratic Party, who fall below the poverty line, cannot succeed without it. The fact that many have not succeeded with government has apparently escaped the notice of his critics.

    All whites don't think alike, why should all African-Americans be expected to?

Speaking with Megyn Kelly on Fox News' "America Live" last week, Dr. Carson addressed some of the slurs tossed at him, saying they are what you might expect to hear "on a third grade playground." He appealed to his detractors to "move beyond" such rhetoric "and let's have a real discussion about the real facts. If somebody disagrees, let's talk about why they disagree, let's talk about the pros and cons, let's see if we can find some accommodation."

That is precisely what the left does not want to do, because to have such a discussion would expose liberalism's failure to solve the problems of poverty and education -- to cite just two examples -- through government.

MSNBC's Toure Monday has called Dr. Carson a token "black friend" to the Republican Party. I don't recall Carson ever saying he belongs to the Republican Party, do you? Even so, labels should not define the man. What Carson is saying and what he represents ought to be the beginning point for the discussion he is trying to initiate.

Dr. Carson dismissed one suggestion he might be an "Uncle Tom" this way: "Well, obviously they don't know what an Uncle Tom is because they need to read Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.' You'll see that he was very, very subservient, kind of go along to get along type of person. Obviously, that's not what I'm doing."


In the Kelly interview, Dr. Carson hit his main point about liberal reaction on subjects ranging from ObamaCare to higher taxes: "They feel that if you look a certain way then you have to stay on the plantation."

Isn't such a personal attack also a form of racism? All whites don't think alike, why should all African-Americans be expected to?

If government were the solution and not the problem, shouldn't we expect that the amount of money spent on anti-poverty programs -- $15 trillion since 1964, according to a CATO Institute analysis -- might have moved the needle on poverty? Instead there are nearly as many poor people today as there were 49 years ago. According to the Wall Street Journal, "Enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, as the modern-day food-stamp benefit is known, has soared 70 percent since 2008 to a record 47.8 million as of December 2012." Government as solution isn't working and Dr. Carson wants to discuss why. For this he is attacked?

The nightmare for liberals would be if Ben Carson became a role model for the poor instead of a target. If more of the poor had mothers like his (and maybe active fathers, which he didn't have), who focused on reading and discipline, more might grow up to be like him. They might reject the lie that they are incapable of succeeding because of their circumstances.

In addition to Carson's remarks about government dependency, he is also under attack for his unorthodox positions on same-sex marriage and evolution, which the National Review Online reports has led to a petition being circulated at Johns Hopkins Medical School asking that he be disinvited as commencement speaker. That would add censorship to racism.

The late newsman David Brinkley said, "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."

By that standard, Dr. Ben Carson is building a mansion.

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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The NWO wants you to think it worships blacks, but it doesn't. It worships brainwashed blacks that do what the NWO wants it to.

Offline HiWarp

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The NWO wants you to think it worships blacks, but it doesn't. It worships brainwashed blacks that do what the NWO wants it to.

Welcome to the modern era. Yeah, they worship blacks as long as the blacks are dependent on the government and voting for progressives that further their agenda. A successful black man who overcame obstacles in his youth and both aspired to and achieved a level of excellence in his life without a government handout? No, we can't have that. He much be verbally destroyed.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Ben Carson is so above these leftwing loons.  He is sensible, brilliant, skilled, and patriotic.  He really makes them look bad when he speaks in the same room with them, especially on so many topics.

Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                                              :fist:

 Dr. Ben Carson is on the right side of the fence along with great conservative blogger-writer Cal Thomas and
 their opposers are on the (left) wrong side! Both good men.....       

Offline Baltimore

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Carson was a brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins. After what he said they did not want him to speak at the Hopkins graduation anymore yet the same institution allows Jeremiah Wright to speak at their events. Yes you can see a Jewish professor gushing over the Jew hater here: