Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
PARISTIAN INTIFADA UPDATE: French police use rubber bullets
--- Quote ---I agree very much with your sentiment of vegeance against the Europeans.
However, an Islamic Europe is probably going to pose the biggest threat to Israel's survival in the next few decades. The Muslims will inherit a vast amount of wealth and knowledge from their European dhimmis. I cannot see Israel surviving this unless G-d intervenes somehow. Israel, Europe, and the U.S. are going to stand or fall together on this one.
--- End quote ---
You're right, of course, and I was speaking only theoretically. Europe will not be conquered,
but it will suffer, in fact is suffering, terribly. The European people will elect, and in fact,
are in the process of electing, leaders that will make Hitler seem like a model boy scout,
to deal with their immigration and Islam problems. I do not envy the eventual fate of Eurabia's
Muslims. If the civilized Europeans were capable of killing barbarically six million Jews, and millions
of homosexuals, gypsies and Slavs, who for the most part were innocent and posed no threat,
you can be sure that the murderous, seditious Muslims will suffer a similar fate, if not
Muslims getting their hands on French nukes is the end of the world, it can't happen and it
won't happen according to divine prophecies.
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