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Secular Progressives & Israel ?

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 What kind of a Group? Haplo Group (DNA) OR some kind of Other box to check next to White? If Some Jews do not consider themselves white then that is a personal problem?       

Yochanan Zev:
The other side of the coin accounts for that faction of western Jews who consider themselves white out of their obsession to assimilate.  Their Jewish identity of an assimilated Jew is only secondary to their overall self-identity, as being "white" and or perhaps secularism have .  At what point does the desire to assimilate become priority over the need for preservation?

I am reminded of the recent quotes by author A. B. Yehoshua -- "Judaism cannot exist outside Israel. Those who do not live in Israel and do not participate in the daily decisions that are made there and that are entirely Jewish, do not have a Jewish identity of any significance." 

It is in this regard that he believes that Zionism has replaced Judaism as the vehicle which would unite the determination of all Jewish people.

A.B. Yehoshua is also a hellenist par excellance, he has actually suggested the Jewish people convert en masse to Islam so they can be more "normal" he knows nothing about Judaism except a empty godless secular nationalism which he himself has done much to destroy


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