Author Topic: Injured Hispanic Sues School After Being Unable To Read The English Warning Sign  (Read 963 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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They come here illegally. They take our jobs, our health care, our food stamps and welfare and they never pay any taxes. Now they are suing us because they can't read a sign in English.

    A group of Hispanic custodians at Denver’s Auraria Campus are suing their employer, claiming they are victims of discrimination. One of those custodians, Bertha Ribota, claims she was injured on the job as a result of not being able read a warning sign in English, CBS reports.

    “Too many things have happened to me there that I don’t even know how to explain it,” said Ribota.

    “If I could speak English I wouldn’t have the problems that exist.”

Well here's an idea...LEARN ENGLISH! I am so sick and tired of this debate. Allowing illegals into our country and giving them free crap is like inviting a bunch of roaches into your house and then having those same roaches sue you because you aren't living in a filthy enough environment. These people don't care about being citizens. If they did, they would have become citizens. They do not want to learn our language or pay taxes here. They want to live here and take and take and take and never give back in a positive way. Go back to Mexico and work there where you can read the warning signs.

If these ILLEGALs are allowed to continue to flood our Country unchecked and continue to be given all manner of handouts, we will never be able to withstand it. Our Nation will fail, which is what 0bama wants. You can't invite roaches into your home and then expect them to contribute to your life. It's as simple as that. And before anyone calls me a racist, being illegal is NOT a race. It is a status placed upon an individual that has snuck in to our country illegally and then have the nerve to stick their hand out to be given something.

Offline drlmg

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Forgive me for commenting on an article I briefly glanced at and don't remember much about...... but....... I read somewhere in the last week or so it is estimated that each illegal costs the taxpayers around $600,000.....
I am not sure if that is the estimate for what the new immigration bill will cost or if it is an estimate of what each immigrant currently costs.... anyone remember this and can point me to the article?

Online angryChineseKahanist

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I read the blog and the linked article, what was the warning sign?

You know what I need some money too. The signs aren't in Chinese, I'm suing. Hey, the signs aren't in Hebrew either, sue.

Offline kyel

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Thats ridiculous. It is also ridiculous that "hispanics" get to go masquerading around as a non-white minority (when they can be any race most white and native american) and they only started getting affirmative action after 1974. Even our education system has people believing "hispanic" is non-white when Spain is in Europe, Spanish is a European language

Offline Rubystars

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Most of the people who self-identify as Hispanic in Texas are not white and would not self-identify as white, and they don't appear to be white. They have some white admixture most of the time, but that's the extent of their "whiteness". Most black Americans also have some white admixture but it doesn't make them white either.

Offline kyel

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Most of the people who self-identify as Hispanic in Texas are not white and would not self-identify as white, and they don't appear to be white. They have some white admixture most of the time, but that's the extent of their "whiteness". Most black Americans also have some white admixture but it doesn't make them white either.

Then why not go by Native American or Mestizo if they don't want to be White? The creation of the "hispanic"  is just another term for liberal entitlements leaving people in a cycle of poverty. And not all the people of Latin descent are Mexican

Offline Rubystars

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Then why not go by Native American or Mestizo if they don't want to be White? The creation of the "hispanic"  is just another term for liberal entitlements leaving people in a cycle of poverty. And not all the people of Latin descent are Mexican

Hispanic is a term for people of a Spanish-speaking background. When white Spaniards from Europe came to the New World and to some places in Asia, they miscegenated with the local populations, creating intermixed peoples that were neither truly native nor white.

Some with more white blood self-identify as white and call themselves white Hispanics, some truly are white because they're pure or nearly pure Spaniard descent, some have a relatively even mixture of native Indian blood and Spaniard blood or leaning a little one way or the other, and they're Mestizo (the usual people we think of as Hispanic). Some are almost pure indigenous/Indian blood but have adopted the Spanish language of the surrounding culture and are therefore also called Hispanic. Black slaves were also brought to the Americas and intermixed with these other groups and so you also have black Hispanics. That's why Hispanic itself is not a racial category in its own right.

In general though people from Latin America, some places in South America, and Mexico seem to have the mestizo appearance whether they're from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, etc.

A lot of Texans just refer to them all as "Mexicans" even though this is technically incorrect just for convenience' sake.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 02:52:20 AM by Rubystars »