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Offline Yogy

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Two Videos with Chaim on Romanian related subjects
« on: July 11, 2007, 01:11:03 PM »
I have uploaded two new videos with Chaim's answers from the Ask JTF show.

Chaim ben Pesach about Romania

Chaim ben Pesach about Ron Lauder

Please post comments with your opinion on those issues.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 05:11:20 AM by Yogy »

Offline Dan

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 02:24:29 PM »
Very good !
I'm ethnic Romanian, I live in New York and totally agree with what Chaim said in regards to letting the Arabs come in.
It' the wrong approach...

Offline DJ Luminus

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2007, 05:54:31 PM »
Are you Romanian? I'm Romanian too.
Unfortunately, there is going to be a muslim invation in Romania because she will be forced by the EU to let the muslims come in. If that happens, G-d forbid, this country will be finished. The muslims will bring their huge families, so it will be a nightmare to live here. Bucharest will be like a toilet (Muslims are much much worse than the gypsies).

In other european countries like Sweden, France, Norway, Denmark (especially in Sweden) there is a large wave of gang-rapes prepertrated be muslim immigrants against local white christian women. In Sweden more than 19,000 young Swdish girls have been gang-raped by muslims since 2001. If they come here, they will gang-rape our women! My girlfriend was sexually harrased (Verbally, not physically) by an arab at the Marriott Hotel Casino in Bucharest last year. The muslims will burn schools, cars and homes, they will attack Romanians on the streets of Bucharest and other major cities like Iasi ,Brasov and Timisoara. Millions of Romanians will leave the major cities and move to other towns or even leave Romania, because they won't be able to take the muslims anymore.

Romania is one of the last countries in Europe which are still European, not Eurabian. Can you imagine what a tragedy that will be to lose this country? We must not let it happen. The Romanian people must wake up and demand that the traitor Traian Basescu (Romania's president) and his filthy stupid communist friends from the Romanian goverment will not let the muslim animals come in to invade our land. The problem is that the Romanian people don't care less about what's happening in their own country. many of them are drunk and stupid and all they are able to do is to eat, work, drink alcohole, have sex and watch a soccer match on Sunday. There is no real righteous right wing organisation in Romania. There is a neo-nazi/fascist organisation called "Noua Dreapta" (New Right), who have talked many times about the problem of third world and muslim immigration into Romania, but they are not a solution to the problem (Nazism and fascism are far left, not far right as many people believe). If people like Vadim Tudor (another anti-semite communist so called "right winger") take power in Romania, they will make the situation much worse.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 06:02:49 PM by DJ Luminus »

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2007, 06:51:54 PM »
You're Absolutely right DJ!
Last time I was in RO was in Dec 06. So I don't really know what's going on, only what I see on TVR international. I can tell you that most people don't give a f*** about Romania only about their wallets getting fatter and being somebody in the public eye. I thought that Basescu was ok, I was misled by the media I guess. Tell me more of what you think is going on because all the info I getting is that ' the country is doing well people have money, new cars, new apartments or houses... everybody is in debt up to their ears, I bet!
They're in for a rude awakening when they CAN'T pay those loans back... Welcome to Capitalism Romania!

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2007, 07:01:49 PM »
Where is Count Dracula when you need him,he took care of the Turks now his descendants are trying to make an amusment park off his name
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2007, 12:22:12 AM »
Vlad Tepes "Dracula" saved Romania from the Turks when they tried to invade and Islamize the land, but he wasn't as good as the Romanian people believe he was at all. He tourtred and murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people. He impaled the men through their anuses on stakes, but he really loved tourturing women. He cut off the breasts of widows and young girls who lost their virginity using red-hot pincers called "spiders". Then he impaled them through their vaginas with red-hot stakes which were forced slowly into their bodies. Some of them had got their hands and legs cut off or had been skinned before he impaled them.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2007, 12:38:35 AM »
My mother was born in Romania and came here in her teens. I guess that makes me partially Romanian.
I am urinating on a Koran.

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2007, 12:45:29 AM »
You're Absolutely right DJ!
Last time I was in RO was in Dec 06. So I don't really know what's going on, only what I see on TVR international. I can tell you that most people don't give a f*** about Romania only about their wallets getting fatter and being somebody in the public eye. I thought that Basescu was ok, I was misled by the media I guess. Tell me more of what you think is going on because all the info I getting is that ' the country is doing well people have money, new cars, new apartments or houses... everybody is in debt up to their ears, I bet!
They're in for a rude awakening when they CAN'T pay those loans back... Welcome to Capitalism Romania!

TVR International is just like every TV station, they never tell the people the truth. Basescu is a drunk idiot who cares only about making money and drinking alcohole, like all the Romanian politicians. The country is becoming more and more western every day, and life is becoming much better, but only for those who have any profession (academic or non-academic). The farmers have no future in this country anymore.

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2007, 08:44:02 AM »
Are you Romanian? I'm Romanian too.

I am born and raised in Bucharest, Romania. And I still live in Bucharest. But I am Jewish, my homeland is Israel and I am planning to make aliyah.

I think Romania is a wonderful country and I really love the Romanian people, the Romanian culture and language. If there is one country worth saving from the savages, this surely is Romania. But this is entirely up to you. You must have the initiative, and afterwards people like me will help you as much as we can. Romania is in danger and needs your involvement. Now, it is up to our generation to prove that we are worthy of the sacrifices made by our forefathers. My grand-father was a volunteer in the Romanian army in WWI, he was wounded during the battle from Marasti and was decorated. Later, he took part in the campaign against Bela Kun's Bolsheviks in Transylvania. I do not plan to dishonor his memory and give up without a fight. But it is up to you (and the other Romanian JTFers, of course) to take the lead. Remember that in the Romanian language there is a word impossible to translate, which signifies the bond Romanian people living outside Romania have with the homeland. It is the word 'dor'.
In case you haven't seen this video, this is how the world would look without Romania:

You are right about everything you have written and you figured out correctly what is going on. But you might not know that a very evil organization was created and it is acting openly for the destruction of the Romanian people: the Islamic League of Romania ( They are rather successful in converting Romanians to their evil religion. They have a lot of money (in a country which is not that rich after decades of communism) and they are bribing media personalities, so that they pop up all the time on Romanian television stations. Even worst, their spokesman (a 'PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi') has his own talk show on one of Diaconescu's stations! They have flooded Trilulilu (the Romanian YouTube) with Islamic propaganda. And they were trying to register themselves as an ethnic minority (like the Hungarians, the Germans, the Jews, ... - people living here for hundreds of years)! They might have succeeded, for they are infiltrated at the highest political levels. The Omar Haysan case is proof enaugh.

Please, act now.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 08:51:11 AM by Yogy »

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Re: Two Videos with Chaim on Romanian related subjects
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2007, 05:29:09 AM »
Chaim ben Pesach about Ron Lauder

Some of you might wonder why have I posted a video about Ron Lauder on a Romania related topic. For the Romanian JTFers is rather obvious, but all the others ...
Ron Lauder owns ProTV, the biggest TV station in Romania. He also owns ProTVs 'sister' stations: ProCinema - movies & sitcoms, - sports, Acasa - soaps. He also owns the regional affiliates of ProTV, including the one from the Republic Moldova. And he owns a national network of local radio stations.
Off course, all his stations are politically correct: no support for Israel or Zionism and an open tribune for anti-semites (like Dan Mihailescu, who made anti-semitic statements in public and he has a show where he makes recommendations about which books should we read). But Ron Lauder sponsors a small kinder-garden for Jewish children, and he thinks that this makes him a good Jew. Just to prove Chaim's point.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 10:31:20 AM by Yogy »

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Re: Two New Videos with Chaim on YouTube
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2007, 07:53:40 AM »
Very good !
I'm ethnic Romanian, I live in New York and totally agree with what Chaim said in regards to letting the Arabs come in.
It' the wrong approach...

Chaim is right. And you are right.
But I can totally see the Romanian government doing something stupid like that. Millions of Romanians left the country to work in Spain and Italy. Forecasts are showing that Romania's population will shrink to 15-16 mil. (from 22 mil.) in the next 20 year. So, they are already bringing in Chinese workers. But Arabs?? Just how stupid can they be??