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Turkish Jews worried after politician links diaspora to protests
July 2, 2013

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish deputy prime minister linked the "Jewish diaspora" to recent anti-government unrest and the country's Jewish community expressed fears on Tuesday the comments could make them targets of popular anger.

Turkey was rocked by violent protests last month when a small effort to save Gezi Park in central Istanbul from redevelopment mushroomed into a mass demonstration by tens of thousands of people opposed to what they see as Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian rule.
Erdogan, in power for ten years, and other cabinet officials have spoken of conspiracies involving "foreign circles", including an "interest-rate lobby" and international media organizations engineering the protests to undermine Turkey's growing economy and political clout.

"There are those inside and outside the country who are envious about Turkey growing too much," Besir Atalay, one of four deputy prime ministers, told reporters on Monday in comments broadcast on the Cihan news agency website.

"They are all uniting. On the one side you have the Jewish diaspora. You have seen the foreign media's attitude over the Gezi Park events, how quickly they bought into it and how quickly and widely they started broadcasting before any assessment was made," he said.
The Turkish Jewish Community, which represents most of Turkey's estimated 23,000 Jewish faithful, said Atalay's remarks could lead to reprisals against its members in a mostly Muslim country of 76 million.

"We are trying to obtain information about the meaning, the scope and details of Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay's statement about the 'Jewish Diaspora being behind Gezi protests,'" the Turkish Jewish Community and chief rabbinate said in a joint statement on the community's website.

"(Because) Turkish Jewish citizens, as well as other Jewish people living all around the globe, may be affected and pointed (out) as a target of such a generalization, we wish to express our concerns and share our apprehension and worry of the consequences that such perceptions can cause."
Turkey's Jews, most of whom trace their roots here to the 15th Century when their ancestors found refuge in the Ottoman Empire from the Spanish Inquisition, have in recent years faced pressure as relations between Israel and Turkey soured.

Ties between the erstwhile military allies hit a low in May 2010 when Israeli commandoes killed nine Turkish activists in storming the Mavi Marmara, a ship in a Turkish-led convoy seeking to break a naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Earlier this year, Erdogan called Zionism "a crime against humanity", prompting objections from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. President Barack Obama subsequently orchestrated an Israeli apology for the Mavi Marmara raid.

While at least one other member of Erdogan's ruling party has suggested Jewish involvement in the Gezi protest, the remarks by Atalay, appeared to be the first such public accusation by a senior member of the ruling AK Party, which traces its roots to a banned Islamist movement.

On the microblogging site Twitter, the AK Party mayor of the Turkish capital Ankara, Melih Gokcek, said on June 16 the Gezi protests were a "a game of the Jewish lobby" and cited a Turkish newspaper report that a Washington-based think tank linked to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobbying group had predicted the protests earlier in the year.

Offline Dan193

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Re: Turkey tries to blame protests on Jews. Islamo Fascist Alert.
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2013, 11:04:48 AM »
Turkey: 'It's the Joooz'
June 21, 2013

A week ago, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a not-so-veiled hint that Israel was  behind the riots in Istanbul's Taksim Square. Now, media outlets that support Erdogan are taking a new tact: American Joooz are behind the riots (Hat Tip: Joshua I).

As anti-government protests continue in Istanbul, Turkish media outlets have begun reporting that the demonstrations are part of an anti-Erdogan plot organized by members of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a conservative think tank that is home to many former senior U.S. officials.

“Apparently, a meeting took place between some of our scholars and outsiders, and these Jews (for many, though not all, at the alleged meeting are Jews) and their fellow travelers planned the whole thing,” AEI wrote on its website Wednesday in a statement lambasting the reports.
The Turkish reports mention several former U.S. government insiders, including Bush administration national security adviser Elliott Abrams, former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol, and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

The Turkish reports also claim that Jewish officials and so-called “neo-cons” associated with the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC), America’s most prominent pro-Israel lobby, are involved in the plot, which was supposedly hatched during a secret meeting in February.
“According to this, the meeting was held at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), which carries out its activities with the support of the Jewish lobby AIPAC,” stateda Tuesday report in Yeni Safak, a pro-government newspaper.

“The ‘Istanbul Uprising’ scenario was simulated on 12 February in order ‘to bring the apolitical Turkish youth out on the streets,’” the report says.

The reports erroneously claim that AEI’s Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser, secretly met with other Jewish government insiders to hatch the anti-Erdogan plot.
AEI's Danielle Pletka does a great job of summarizing Turkey:

“Here is the truth: Erdoğan … has begun to transform Turkey into an Islamist bastion,” Pletka wrote on AEI’s website. “The Turkish people are standing up to Erdoğan because they see what has become of their once-proud nation, and they won’t stand for it. Kudos to them.”

It will be  interesting to see when - if ever - Erdogan's Best Fried Forever stands up for the Turkish people. Don't hold your breath waiting.

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Re: Turkey tries to blame protests on Jews. Islamo Fascist Alert.
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2013, 11:15:49 AM »
Michael Rubin destroys the lies of Erdogan.
A little bit of crazy from Turkey
Michael Rubin | June 19, 2013

So Yeni Şafak, Turkey’s pro-government Islamist daily, has accused me personally of leading a cabal of former — mostly Jewish — officials to plan the Istanbul unrest months ago. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan can’t even get Jewish conspiracies right: doesn’t he know that on Sundays, we control the banks. On Mondays, we control the newspapers. On Tuesdays, we think about how we can stage terrorist attacks and blame al Qaeda. On Wednesdays, we attend meetings with George Soros to discuss interest rates. On Thursdays, we plan atrocities and then order the international media to broadcast cooking shows so no one need see the violence. On Fridays, we hunt Christian children so we can use their blood to make matzoh. On Saturdays, exhausted, we rest.

Seriously, though. The Yeni Şafak report harms Turkey’s image. It reads like something out of an Iranian or Hamas newspaper. If Erdoğan wants to know who is causing these protests, all he needs to do is look in the mirror.

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Re: Turkey tries to blame protests on Jews. Islamo Fascist Alert.
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2013, 11:20:46 AM »
Turkish Reporters Suggest Conspiracy Theory
Government-supporting scribes suggest U.S. Jews organizing unrest in Turkey
Adam Kredo 
June 20, 2013

Turkish reporters loyal to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan have claimed that the anti-government protests currently gripping the nation have been carefully orchestrated and planned by prominent Jewish officials and a conservative Washington, D.C., think tank.

As anti-government protests continue in Istanbul, Turkish media outlets have begun reporting that the demonstrations are part of an anti-Erdogan plot organized by members of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a conservative think tank that is home to many former senior U.S. officials.

“Apparently, a meeting took place between some of our scholars and outsiders, and these Jews (for many, though not all, at the alleged meeting are Jews) and their fellow travelers planned the whole thing,” AEI wrote on its website Wednesday in a statement lambasting the reports.

The Turkish reports mention several former U.S. government insiders, including Bush administration national security adviser Elliott Abrams, former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol, and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

The Turkish reports also claim that Jewish officials and so-called “neo-cons” associated with the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC), America’s most prominent pro-Israel lobby, are involved in the plot, which was supposedly hatched during a secret meeting in February.

“According to this, the meeting was held at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), which carries out its activities with the support of the Jewish lobby AIPAC,” stateda Tuesday report in Yeni Safak, a pro-government newspaper.

“The ‘Istanbul Uprising’ scenario was simulated on 12 February in order ‘to bring the apolitical Turkish youth out on the streets,’” the report says.

The reports erroneously claim that AEI’s Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser, secretly met with other Jewish government insiders to hatch the anti-Erdogan plot

AEI called the claims ridiculous in a statement on its website on Tuesday and later told the Washington Free Beacon that Erdogan loyalists are delving deep into anti-Semitic waters in an effort to stymie the protests.

“It’s a testament to how far Turkey has sunk under Erdogan that his newspaper cronies are peddling conspiracy theories that read like an addenda to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” said Danielle Pletka, AEI’s vice president for foreign and defense policy studies.

“Then again, the Protocols are freely available in Turkey all over the place, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised,” Pletka said.

Rubin, who has long been at odds with Erdogan’s government, was cited in the Turkish reports as being the initiator of the coup.

Reached for comment Thursday, Rubin denied every having been in Turkey during the dates in question and dubbed the reports a “complete fabrication.”

“On one hand I’m perversely honored,” Rubin said. “On the other hand it shows the complete disrespect they [the government] have for the Turkish public and for the Turkish people’s love of freedom liberty and rule of law.”

Rubin, who has been travelling to Turkey on and off since at least 2004, was sued by Erdogan in 2010 following the publication of a report alleging widespread financial corruption among Erdogan cronies.

Rubin said he was not surprised to see pro-Erdogan reporters implicate him in a Jewish conspiracy.

“If Erdogan really believes this I’m willing to come to Turkey anywhere anytime,” Rubin said. “They can invite me and confront me with this nonsense evidence.”

Kristol, who is a member of the Center for American Freedom’s board, also dismissed the accusations.

When asked if he was part of a Jewish plot to take down the Turkish government, Kristol sarcastically responded, “AEI and AIPAC are merely front organizations. The real moving force is PNAC,” a now-defunct think tank that has served as a magnet for conspiracy theories.

The Turkish protests began three weeks ago after Erdogan’s government attempted to raze a popular park in the capital of Istanbul. The demonstrations quickly spread across the country, sparking a violent reaction from Erdogan’s police forces.

At least six Turkish protesters have been killed during the protests and nearly 8,000 injured, according to reports.

Pletka stated on AEI’s blog that it is absolutely ridiculous to blame the popular uprising on the doing of D.C. conservative and Jewish groups.

“I’m tickled to think that anyone believes we could rally the nation of Turkey against the increasingly autocratic, Islamist Erdogan government,” Pletka wrote. “But as an honest human being, I have to admit this didn’t happen. No meeting. No plot. No Jewish cabal.”

However, AEI has had relations with Erdogan in the past.

He spoke at a 2004 AEI forum on democracy and the spread of freedom.

While President Barack Obama has named Erdogan as one of his top five international friends, the protests have begun to test this relationship.

Turkey is rated only partly free by human rights groups and imprisons more journalists then any other nation.

AEI’s Pletka said Erdogan is hardly the democratic reformer that Western leaders like Obama regularly refer to him as.

“Here is the truth: Erdoğan … has begun to transform Turkey into an Islamist bastion,” Pletka wrote on AEI’s website. “The Turkish people are standing up to Erdoğan because they see what has become of their once-proud nation, and they won’t stand for it. Kudos to them.”

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Re: Turkey tries to blame protests on Jews. Islamo Fascist Alert.
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2013, 01:18:59 PM »
Erdogans agressive and stupid actions and words caused this protests. Nobody else.

It is typically for Muslims to always blame somebody else. They totally unable to self-reflect.
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Re: Turkey tries to blame protests on Jews. Islamo Fascist Alert.
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 02:53:28 PM »
All the wicked persons for the grave consequences against their own actions put the blames on the so-called Zionist conspiracy and/or the so-called Protocol of the eldest.
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Re: Turkey tries to blame protests on Jews. Islamo Fascist Alert.
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2013, 06:18:33 PM »
What is the easyest thing to do in a [censored] up situation? Hmm let me see.... There it is! Blame the Jews!
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