Author Topic: This is what happens when you are afraid of being labeled racist.  (Read 1310 times)

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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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A few things that have been on my mind over the last few days are detailed below. Drexel Hill Middle School teachers take notice: I do not like what I am hearing from my sons about what is going on in your school. In a nutshell, To give a kid a five day suspension for defending him/herself from other kids without even listening or caring about what transpired, only because of race, is wrong. Several other students witnessed what transpired a few weeks ago between my son and a black girl in the lunchroom. She took his five dollars, He asked for it back, You (the teacher in question) told him to shut up and sit down, the Girl denies taking the money, then you give him detentions while she laughs and then throws the five right at him in front of you, then walks away scott free. This kind of race baiting is wrong and sends the wrong message to both the white and black students in D.H. It tells them that if your black, you can get away with intimidation, laugh at the school dress policy, and even physically attack others with no fear of retribution. God knows what goes on in the High School. I hear that there is an Upper Darby P.O.who patrols the hall on a mountain bike. To the school board, why don't you take a ride after school to the 69th terminal and wait there after school. Watch as 100's of kids get off the trolley and buses from Drexel Hill, Beverly Hill, and Upper Darby and board the El for West Philly. And you wonder why the the payers of Upper Darby see red every time you vote for a tax increase? You may ask: "Why don't you attend a board meeting"? Why should I? If I did attended, and tried even to begin to voice my opinions, I'd be thrown out. The Community Development Block Grant that then Mayor Sonny Kane first accepted in 1978 was the downfall of Upper Darby. In exchange for some major money, (To build a railroad walkway over Market St), etc, He allowed HUD to bring in section 8 housing. What this did is bring in the lowlifes who did not want to work, just collect welfare. It also lowered the value of the homes. Today in Stonehurst where I grew up it closely resembles a ghetto. Murders and rapes have quadrupled. Drug dealers and the homeless prowl the steets in search of buyers and victims. This is not a White on Black issue either. It's everybody's problem. So why does the public officials treat it like it is? Why do they allow black students to get away with the above? I think know the answer. They are scared. Scared of being labeled a racist. Scared of being sued. Do yourselves a favor. All children should be taught equally. By allowing some to dominate others is wrong on YOUR part. And to those readers who will label me a racist? Go right ahead. You haven't lived in my shoes growing up in the '60s and 70's in the Cardington/Stonehurst section.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: This is what happens when you are afraid of being labeled racist.
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2013, 08:36:51 PM »
The area in question has garbage from all backgrounds. There are white trash, Oriental trash, and black trash. There used to be a heavy Greek presence in the area but they were chased away by the trash just like Jews, Irish, and Italians are chased away from neighborhoods by black trash.

It's true that it doesn't have to do with race. Many blacks in the area (Like those who posted on that blog.) know that many blacks are up to no good and are victims as well. Many Orientals like Chinese and Koreans know that other Orientals destroy their neigborhoods such as Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotions. I lived in an area with the latter three Oriental groups and they let their kids act like they live in a jungle. They would have their kids walk around in diapers and their older kids would bother white kids and throw tomatoes at people and property. There used to be white trash before Oriental trash. Our family was the only Jewish family in the area. When we lived there it was still safe but I think after we left it was taken over mostly by blacks (The inner city kind.). When we lived there, the blacks on the street were civilized. Before the white trash, there were Greeks in the area. The Greeks move out to suburbs further from the city (Italians and Irish from city neighborhoods taken over by inner city blacks move to the same areas.). The Jews that lived with Irish and Italians in the city move to a different suburban area that used to be WASP.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: This is what happens when you are afraid of being labeled racist.
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2013, 10:33:25 AM »
Interesting and very true.
Full of typing errors though, but good read anyway.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: This is what happens when you are afraid of being labeled racist.
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2013, 04:34:03 PM »
Interesting and very true.
Full of typing errors though, but good read anyway.

The first post was copied. The second was my words. You can see the difference. I guess the person that wrote it lives in a neighborhood like he described so he doesn't learn to write properly either.