General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello and THANK YOU!
Well, thanks to everyone who has given me a warm welcome. This is tough stuff, but I want you to know that it is the unmitigated JOY I felt reading one man's giving truth to his brother that made me want to join here! Yes, these are horrible times, but without optimism and hope, we are lost creatures in a sea of nihilism. The time may be soon when Americans as individuals have to choose between siding with the gutter religion of Islam, or our older cousins, the Jews. This is nothing to get upset over. The current world is a mess. Surely the good and the righteous can overcome if we only recognize who our REAL friends are.
Very rarely do I give into hyerbole. But when I read how these videos can "Change the world"- count me in. Asians, whites and Hispanics need to get on board and realize who the enemy is, and how vile and horrific they are. If that makes me a "Kahanist", then plead guilty do I. But this website, the little time I've had to really "get into it", has given a sense of hope and joy to my heart. What is there better than hearing the TRUTH! Blessings to you all, especially those most out front- hated you shall be by these idiots, but loved by those who have any sense of honor and decency.
This is one of the last hopes of my country. I am so thrilled to be able to see such wisdom, and know that decent people are not alone and adrift.
G'Day, FedUp.....Glad you're along
FedUpInLA, you are one of the quality people that JTF is looking for. It is because of good people like you, people who see the truth, that I am hopeful about the future of the United States and Western Civilization. Your post rings a chord in me because that was exactly how I felt when I first found out about JTF. I was ecstatic and I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it was almost too much truth for me to handle! I look forward to getting to know you, you seem like a really great guy.
Welcome aboard Pat. I think you'll love it here.
FedUpInLA, we know EXACTLY how you feel! lol
Welcome to the forum!
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