Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
We should recognize Kosovo as part of Serbia
However the in return for that recognition Serbia must move its embassy to Jerusalem & recognize Judea & Sammaria (the so called west bank) & Gaza as part of Israel.
What's fair is fair friends help friends & you scratch my back I scratch yours so to speak.
Israel Chai:
--- Quote from: ChabadKahanist on July 01, 2013, 03:52:18 AM ---However the in return for that recognition Serbia must move its embassy to Jerusalem & recognize Judea & Sammaria (the so called west bank) & Gaza as part of Israel.
What's fair is fair friends help friends & you scratch my back I scratch yours so to speak.
--- End quote ---
They might be different kinds of muslims. Putting them together is what makes them want to kill each other as they love best. If only there was a way to let the two terrorist "nations" have some sort of contact with each other, they would kill each other and make all our lives easier.
--- Quote from: Lethal Kahanist Zealot on July 01, 2013, 03:59:11 AM ---They might be different kinds of muslims. Putting them together is what makes them want to kill each other as they love best. If only there was a way to let the two terrorist "nations" have some sort of contact with each other, they would kill each other and make all our lives easier.
--- End quote ---
Serbia is a Christian nation & the so called "Kossovars" are thousands of miles away from the ersatz "Palestinians".
So I do not see your point.
serbian army:
Israel is one of many countries that failed to recognize separatist nazis. Serbian embassy in Israel:
Working Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00 hours
The Consular Section is open to public: 9:00 - 13:00 hours
10, Bodenheimer St.
62008 TEL AVIV
Israel Chai:
Crack is the devil's candy; getting high off your own soul.
Spread that to the kids so they don't buy the mudrat crack.
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